Medina Ndiobene, Nioro District, Kaolack Region, Senegal
Community Description
Medina Ndiobene is located 12 kilometers southeast of Nioro du Rip, a large town 60 kilometers south of Kaolack, Senegal. It is a village of 500 people working in peanut and millet farming.
As a community, Medina Ndiobene hopes to create vegetable gardens to improve family nutrition and generate year-round income sources outside of unpredictable rainy-season field crops.
The village already has a reliable tap with water suitable for gardening. Thus, all that is needed is to extend water lines into the vegetable gardens. The village has had three Peace Corps Volunteers, the fourth currently near the end of his service, and has embraced the value of small-scale home gardening and new techniques to maximize productivity.
Project Description
Over the past two rainy seasons Samba Korossy has worked hard to fence-in a wide area behind his home for cassava and vegetable gardening. The 200-meter perimeter is now lined with Euphorbia live-fencing, fortified by a thick layer of thorny branches and a single line of barbed wire.
Korossy’s largest challenge is water. The nearest water source is a tap 95-meters away where he fills up 20-liter containers and wheelbarrows them to the field. This seriously limits the productivity of his garden, and keeps Korossy from expanding the garden beyond two small beds of vegetables—hardly enough to make a difference in even his own home.
Water Charity funds will pay for the extension of water pipes from the nearest tap into Korossy’s field. He will then make the field available to other villagers in the community.
The project entails digging a 95-meter trench, connecting and burying the piping, and installing a tap inside the field.
All of the piping and plumbing materials will be provided and installed by Assan Mbaodia, a master plumber operating out of Taiba Niassene, a large town 10 kilometers from Medina Ndiobene. Mbaodia will also arrange labor to dig the trench from the village tap into Samba’s field.
The community’s main role is to begin using the field once water is installed. Korossy will share the field with neighbors in order to make full use of a reliable water source as well as to divide the cost of paying monthly water bills.
Project Impact
The entire village of 500 will benefit from the garden project in the form of greater availability and affordability of vegetables inside the village. The combined families of 150 people will benefit from a village-based income source.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Tobias Joel
A wide, well-protected area with good soil, the garden will sustain a range of vegetables for the consumption of Korossy, his family, and the community.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will give you “naming rights”, if that is something you would like.
Any contributions in excess of the Dollar Amount of Project will be allocated to other projects directed by this PCV and/or projects of other PCVs in this country.
Dollar Amount Needed
This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.