Mboynane Health Hut Water and Sanitation Project – Senegal


Mboynane, Louga Region, Senegal

Community Description

Mboynane is a small rural agricultural community. The health needs of the villagers are served by a health hut.

Problem Addressed

The health facility lacks access to clean water and a functioning toilet.

Mboynane Health Hut Water and Sanitation Project - Senegal

Project Description

This project is to provide a water supply and a latrine for the health hut.

A new latrine and drainage system will be built of bricks and cement.

A spigot will be provided outside of the health hut and another spigot will be installed within, to provide for sanitation and proper hygiene as well as water for the community garden.

The work will be done by a skilled mason, who will build the latrine, and a skilled plumber, who will do the piping.

Water Charity funds will be used to pay for the skilled labor and the purchase and transport of most of the materials.

Members of the community will provide the unskilled labor, including digging the trench for the piping.  They will also provide carts of sand and rocks for the construction.  Finally, the community will provide at least 12.5% of the total cost in cash for the materials and supplies.

The health workers and Peace Corps Volunteer will hold a handwashing demonstration, continuing to stress the importance of hygiene.

Project Impact

337 people in the community will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project

Aaron Wohl

Monitoring and Maintenance

The health hut staff will monitor the use of the facilities and will be responsible for the maintenance and repairs.

Mboynane Health Hut Water and Sanitation Project - SenegalComments

This project will benefit the lives of everyone in the village by making clean and sanitary medical services available to them.  People who pass through the village will also be served.  The addition of water for the garden will allow for crops to be grown to supplement the diets of the patients as well as to serve as a demonstration of proper gardening techniques.

Fundraising Target


Funds raised in excess of the project amount will be allocated to other projects in the country.

Donations Collected to Date


Dollar Amount Needed

$0.00 – This project has been fully funded through the generosity of friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Aaron Wohl.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Aaron of your donation.  Additional funds will be applied to the Senegal Country Fund to be used for current and future projects in the country of service.

This project has been completed.  To see the results, CLICK HERE.