Lugagara Village Primary School Rainwater Catchment System Project – Tanzania

Lugagara, Kilagano Ward, Songea Rural District, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania

Community Description
Lugagara is a village located outside of Songea near Peramiho in the Ward of Kilagano. Its population exceeds 3,700,

The Lugagara Primary School, serving students ages 5 – 13, has 425 students and 8 teachers. The village doesn’t currently have a secondary school.

Water isn’t typically an issue during the rainy season, but the village has little to no infrastructure for long-term rainwater storage when needed in the dry season. The need and frequency of fetching water can be greatly reduced with larger-scale rainwater catchment. Residents are quite enthusiastic about any potential new water sources/storage.

Project Description
This project is to build a rainwater catchment system at the Lugagara Primary School.

The project will consist of the installation of a 4,000-5,000 liter tank on a stand next to the school building. Gutters and piping will be installed to direct rainwater from the roof of the school to the tank.

The work will be done by residents/local carpenters and masons, village counterparts, and the volunteer.

Water Charity funds will be used for the tank itself, structure for its placement, additional gutters/piping for a collection network, labor, and transportation of all materials.

Steps to be taken:
-Determine an optimal location for collection -Select residents/carpenters/masons for labor -Build structure/elevated stand for placement -Transport tank and other needed materials -Install tank and additional gutters/piping network -Enlist teachers/trained residents for monitoring & maintenance

Once completed, it will be used & maintained by teachers, students, and nearby families.

Project Impact
425 students, 8 teachers, and neighboring families will all benefit from this project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Thomas A. Smith

A storage resource at or near the school will be quite useful for filtering/drinking purposes, hand-washing/sanitation, and irrigation of current gardens, and future demonstrative perma-gardens & tree nurseries. The need for students to fetch water during school hours will be greatly reduced.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project received $485.00 through the generosity of the Elmo Foundation, and $70.00 from Girl Scout Troop 574 – Tallahassee, FL, Girl Scout Council of Florida Panhandle.

This project has been concluded.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify the Peace Corps Volunteer of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by the PCV and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.