Lesfello, Kédougou, Senegal
Community Description
Lesfello in Kédougou is located about 400 miles southeast of Dakar, the country’s capital. The community has a population of 700 and continues to grow rapidly.
Problem Addressed
As the population of the village increases, access to clean water and sanitation facilities are essential to reduce the amount of waterborne and hygiene-related diseases. Currently, one compound out of 57 owns a pit latrine, which means most of the population defecates in the forest, near rivers and streams, contaminating drinking water.
Project Description
This project is to improve water, sanitation, and health standards by building 20 pit latrines.
Two-meter-deep holes will be dug by the recipients. Platforms will be built of concrete and rebar by trained masons and placed over the holes. The families will be responsible for the privacy enclosures.
Water Charity is participating in the project in cooperation with the Peace Corps Partnership Program, with substantial participation by the community. Water Charity funds will be used for materials, including cement and rebar, as well as to pay for the labor of skilled masons.
Upon completion, the volunteer will collaborate with La Lumiere Kedougou, to follow up with a hand washing demonstration, latrine maintenance, and continued use.
Project Impact
200 people will benefit from the project.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Jamie Trombley
Increasing hygienic capacity by providing sanitation facilities will decrease the number of contaminants leaching into groundwater and nearby streams, decrease the number of disease vectors, and improve overall water quality and the environmental health conditions of the village.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Any contributions in excess of the Dollar Amount of the Project will be allocated to other projects directed by this PCV and/or projects of other PCVs in this country.
Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded through the generosity of Canterbury Girls’ Secondary College, Canterbury, Victoria, Australia.