This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION.
Xelajú Chico, Barrio Reforma and Hector Paniaguas in Southern Chiapas, Mexico
Community Description
The City of Motozintla is located in a deep valley formed by three rivers. Heavy deforestation over 20 years ago caused so much damage to the watershed that rivers no longer flow as before and many springs have dried up. More people have come to live in the city over time given the difficulties of living in the Sierra, including the challenges of not having enough water. However, the amount of water available to the growing population in the city during the dry season is very low compared to the need.
The area of the project is a grouping of people from three adjacent neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city. The people sustain themselves by engaging in the following activities: Some look for contract work as laborers for construction, many are subsistence farmers who grow corn for their own use, and the women are homemakers. Some have small stores in their homes that sell very basic items. There are one or two teachers but the majority are peasant farmers. They are families that suffer from poverty and do not have disposable incomes.

The city does provide water to the population in Motozintla but in practice, this means a small flow of water for a couple of hours about once a month. This is why the people chose to find their own solution to this lack of water in order to be able to live better. There are water trucks but the cost is beyond the reach of the families in these neighborhoods.
In 2007, the people living in three neighborhoods, Xelajú Chico, Hector Paniaguas, y Barrio Reforma joined together to find a solution to the difficulties caused by not having water. Sixty very poor families began to work together and after 7 months of saving up bits of funds, finally had pooled enough money to buy a piece of land where a good spring flows. They laid down a 2-inch hose over 11 kilometers of extremely rough terrain and for all these years since have enjoyed the success of their collective effort with enough water to satisfy their household needs. This is a great example of the phrase “La union hace la fuerza” – unity is strength.
Project Description
This project will provide them with the hose they need to quickly replace what was lost and eliminate this hardship. We will also upgrade their uptake at the source by providing them with a design created by the Sexto Sol Center to eliminate the problem of debris becoming stuck in the hose. The “pichancha” as it is called is also designed to function as a pump to increase the draw of water from the spring. At the source, there is a small dam that causes the water to pool so that the hose will always be submerged.

Approx. 400 residents will immediately benefit.
Project Manager
The program is being managed by Tamara Brennan, Ph.D., Executive Director of The Sexto Sol Center for Community Action, which serves impoverished communities in the Sierra Madre region of Chiapas, Mexico, near the border with Guatemala.
Monitoring and Maintenance
The local water cooperative will be responsible for monitoring and maintenance. Should problems arise, they can contact Sexto Sol and Water Charity for further assistance.
Sexto Sol previously completed the School Flooding Remediation Project – Mexico in 2010 in partnership with Water Charity. This project is part of our larger Sierra Madre Water Program, Phase 1 – Mexico, of which, we have completed the Cipresal Water System Project – Mexico among others.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded through the generosity of Michael and Carla Boyle of Nelsonville, OH, USA.
Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will allow you a posted dedication, if that is something you would like.
This project has been completed. To view the conclusion report & pictures CLICK HERE.