This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Laken Rippentrop.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build a rainwater catchment system to capture and store water for drinking, household use, and irrigation.
Laken reports:
The project is now completed. I have also successfully completed my Peace Corps service.
The project started off well. We were able to purchase the materials for the gutters and install them well under the one month mark.
The materials were all easily accessible in a town about 7 kms from the project site. The group purchased them and hired the “fundi” (artisan/worker) to assist in putting them up. Then the rains came in late April and everyone in the area was thrilled at the large amount of water that they now had access to without having to go to the river.
Acquiring the drip irrigation kit was not as easy as we originally expected. The materials for the gutters turned out to be a bit cheaper than expected so we were able to afford the brand new drip irrigation kit. The only problem was that when we called the company, which is based in Nairobi, the kits were out of stock and they weren’t sure when they were going to get more. So, we continued calling and calling and finally, near the beginning of June, they had received new kits.
The group then organized themselves to arrange which group member was going to travel to Nairobi to pick up the kit and transport it back to the project site. Once it arrived back at the site, the group hit another little road bump when installing it. They were concerned about their ability to do it without the assistance of a professional. The company from which they purchased the kit offered installation, but at a very steep price.
Finally, around mid-July, they were able to get the local technical officer from the Ministry of Agriculture to come to help them install it (and he did it free of charge!). After that, the group was responsible for acquiring the materials and constructing a stand on which to put the water tank in order for the drip kit to work.
They started using it a few weeks ago and ecstatic cannot even begin to describe how happy they are. I believe they will have their first harvest of tomatoes using the drip kit within the month. They are really looking forward to the upcoming rainy season during which they will be able to use both the rainwater catchment and the drip kit.
On behalf of Talamak Self-Help Group and the entire Kyamue Village, thank you so much for your assistance in developing the community and uplifting its members.
We, in turn, are grateful to Laken for completing the project, and again wish to thank the Elmo Foundation for providing the funding.