Keur Diam Latrine Project – Senegal

Keur Diam, Keur Madiabel, Kaolack, Senegal

Community Description The community of Keur Diam is an ethnically Pulaar village made up of about 280 people in the Peanut Basin of Senegal. Loca

ted about 40 km from Kaolack, the village supports itself primarily by farming peanuts, millet, corn, and sorghum, as well as herding cattle.

Diarrheal illnesses are prevalent in the region, resulting in widespread illness and death. Due to the low income of the region, latrines are often lacking in entire villages, as is true of this village. This results in the people of the village defecating in fields and children defecating in trash piles behind the compound. Mosquitoes and animals then carry feces from these locations to the food prep areas.

Project Description
This project is to construct 16 simple, unlined, pit latrines, one for each family in the village. The project will be implemented under the direction of the Keur Diam Men’s Group.

A mason has been found to make a simple concrete latrine cover that can be picked up and relocated when the current latrine becomes full.

Each family will be responsible for the digging of the hole 1 meter square and 2 meters deep. The family will also provide the sand and gravel to mix with the cement, as well as transport the materials.

Each family will be responsible for building a millet stalk or brick fence around its latrine for privacy.

Project funds will be used to purchase iron, cement, and PVC pipe for ventilation, and to pay for the labor of the mason.

Project Impact
280 people will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Rosanne Dunivan

Rosanne previously completed the Paymar Hamady Latrine Project – Senegal. The current project builds upon the success of the prior one, utilizing the same organizational structure and construction techniques.

Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has now been fully funded, through the generosity of the Elmo Foundation with the help of friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Rosanne Dunivan.

We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Rosanne. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by the PCV and/or those of other PCVs in the country of service.

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.