This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Marielle Griggs. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build 25 handwashing stations and provide basic hygiene and sanitation training in the community.
Marielle reports:
The Kasyelia Handwashing Station Project is complete!
The five Community Health Workers and I spent about five days visiting the homes and public places we had chosen to install handwashing stations. We succeeded in putting them at 20 homes and 5 public places, which were churches and schools.
At each location we gathered the family and community members together and did a short health talk about the importance of handwashing. We specifically stressed the importance of using soap and washing before preparing and eating meals as well as after using the pit latrine.
The project was a great success and involved a huge number of community members. About 10-15 people at each home and 50-100 at each public place have benefitted.
It is my hope that people will continue to wash their hands and teach others to do the same.
We are grateful to Marielle for rapidly completing this project. It is a great example of the large impact that can be accomplished with a well-designed low-tech solution.
We are still seeking donations to pay for this project.