Water Charity is extremely pleased to announce the implementation of a rainwater collection project in partnership with Habitat for Humanity International in Vietnam.
The work will be carried out in Go Cong Dong district in Tien Giang province in Vietnam. In that district, a baseline survey conducted by Habitat in mid-2008, concluded that, “Shortage of safe water is one of the biggest problems… Sometimes, they have to pay 500 VND for 2 buckets of water, [this is] a burden for the poor.”
At present no organizations are working on water-related needs in the area. Go Cong Dong is near the ocean, and, due to its low elevation, the rise and fall of the tides infiltrate the soil making it too salty for groundwater wells. On the other hand, it is far too expensive to drill very deep wells.
Although some areas within the district have piped water, the areas chosen for this project are difficult to access, and it is not likely that they will receive piped water. A rainwater collection solution is appropriate because it is an immediate solution, and provides the best value per dollar spent. It also gives families more control over the quality of their water, as rainwater doesn’t need to be treated as much as other sources, or at all when collected and stored properly.
Also, it was recently found in another baseline survey, in a separate province near the ocean, that nearly all of the people interviewed preferred the taste of rainwater to other types of water sources.
Each family will receive two rainwater storage jars plus a set of rainwater collection gutters. The jars will be made on site, at the location of each house, since it is more affordable than transporting the heavy jars. Each family will receive the assistance needed to construct the collection system. The project will initially serve 25 families, or 150 people. However, micro-financing will be utilized to extend the project to an additional 70 families, or 420 people.
The exciting and timely concept of micro-financing involves the beneficiaries in the project by requiring them to make small contributions. This greatly adds to the sustainability of the project, as money collected through repayment is used to continue the project and increase the number of people who will be served.
Financing will be made available to poor families that have the ability to repay the loan over a long period of time. Once they begin to repay their loans, the funds go back into the account so that more families will be able to obtain loans.
The interest on the loan, set at approximately 0.65%, will be used as payment for the salaries of the Women’s Union staff, which will travel to the families’ homes for collections and manage some of the accounting for the revolving fund.
The families will also be provided with “Information, Education and Communication” (IEC) materials along with an explanation regarding proper water collection and containment, as well as how to budget and save money in order to properly manage their loans. Both of these IEC activities increase the capacities of the families.
The project is being directed by Habitat Vietnam’s project manager, together with 2 construction supervisors and their water and sanitation staff. This competent management will ensure the timely completion, superior quality, and proper fiscal integrity of the project.
Family selection has begun, and construction is set to start at once. It is expected that the project will be completed in a month.
This is the first of many projects we hope to do in partnership with Habitat Vietnam. Please let us know how you like it, and show your support.
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This project has been completed. To read about the conclusion of this project, CLICK HERE.