This project will create a fruit tree nursery to facilitate the growth of reforestation trees. The trees will be planted in the mountains and at the source of water in order to ensure continued rain, and protect the water supply for the participating communities.
The project will be led by an association of 15 small farming communities in the San Juan Valley of the Dominican Republic. The project site is located between two of the communities, and will have an impact on all of them.
The project is being carried out under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer B. Saver.
The primary source of income of the communities is agricultural production. The clearing of land for agriculture has caused widespread deforestation, which has had a significant effect on the livelihood of the inhabitants.
Deforestation has caused soil erosion, the drying of rivers, and a decrease in rainfall. Soil erosion causes farmers to lose more of their land suitable for planting every year.
A fruit tree nursery will be created to provide a place for villagers to buy grafted fruit trees that can be used to practice sustainable forestry techniques. A healthy biodiversity will be created, and soil conservation techniques will be implemented.
An additional benefit will be that the nursery will provide a supplemental income for those who are involved in the planting, maintenance, care, and sales of the trees.
The community members will do all of the work in starting the nursery, including clearing and preparing the land. They will build fences to surround the nursery, water the plants daily, and provide all necessary maintenance. Project funds will be used to purchase the necessary tools, seeds, and materials to establish to the nursery.
The project will serve to protect the water source for the communities, and improve the use of the land upon which the people rely for their survival. Forestry skills will be taught to the villagers that can be continued and replicated. A single infusion of capital will have an ongoing impact, as the project will become self-sustainable.
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This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.