The monsoon season in Pakistan, which lasts from June to October, was devastating in 2022. It was the worst the country has ever seen. Millions of people were affected by flooding, which created a crisis where clean water – among other necessities – was desperately needed. The floods caused damage to water systems in the affected areas, leading to a situation where over 5.4 million people were forced to rely on contaminated water from ponds and wells. The damaged infrastructure also meant that people were unable to access clean and safe drinking water, which exacerbated health concerns.
According to OCHA (the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), one-third of the country was heavily impacted by widespread flooding and landslides. This had a significant impact on human lives, property, agriculture, and infrastructure. Around 33 million people were affected, and 20.6 million people were in urgent need of lifesaving assistance, half of whom were children. In total, 7.9 million people were displaced, with at least 664,000 individuals seeking refuge in relief camps and informal sites.


Water Charity in collaboration with Wine To Water, has undertaken a significant initiative to address the pressing issue of safe drinking water for the numerous individuals who have been displaced in the country. They distributed 4,600 life-saving water filters, each of which is designed to provide safe and clean drinking water for an entire family for a period of 10 years. This initiative represents a crucial step in ensuring access to clean water for those affected by displacement, contributing to their well-being and long-term health. Through the distribution of these filters, they aim to make a lasting impact on the communities facing challenges in accessing safe and reliable drinking water sources. The joint effort of partnership is an example of the positive impact that can be achieved through collaboration and a shared commitment to addressing urgent humanitarian issues.

This table presents a summary of water filter distribution activities conducted by Water Charity in various cities of Pakistan. The filters were implemented on two dates, December 15, 2022, and January 15 & 20, 2023. The cities include Kotri, Amri, Hyderabad, Kandkot, Khairpur, Sultankot, Ghotki, Sehwan, Dadu, KN Shah, Sanghar, Sukkur, Jacobabad, Umerkot, and Karachi. The filters distributed ranged from 40 to 1100 units per city, with a total of 4,600 filters implemented. These efforts have positively impacted the lives of more than 50,600 individuals across these communities.

Emergency Response Impact
➔ 4,600 Filters Sponsored and sent to Pakistan
➔ 50,600 Lives Impacted
➔ Offsetting the need for over 69 million single-use plastic water bottles

THANK YOU! We have transformed more than 50,000 lives in Pakistan through Water Charity.
This project has been completed. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.