This project was to rebuild the school water reservoir within the orchard to make it productive, and to add a tap to the main school grounds for the use of the students for drinking and handwashing. To read about the start of the project, CLICK HERE.
The construction has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Kristy Smiley. The first part of the project, the installation of the tap on the main school grounds, was finished before the construction on the reservoir was even started.
The reservoir was next completed and sealed. The school also added a tap to the reservoir to use for directly filling it.
Although the project goals were met, the school is continuing to improve its facilities. They have used the dirt from the hole to raise the perimeter wall of the school.
Kristy writes:
The students now have a spot to both wash their hands and get drinking water from.
Thank you very much for funding this project. The community and the school staff have expressed their appreciation for your help.
We are still accepting donations for this project. If you wish to help us pay for the project, and to add to the money that we will have available for the use by Kristy and her counterparts for the next project in The Gambia, you may go to the project page and click on the Donate button.