This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Sarah Kopper.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to provide running water for the school and to build a handwashing station next to the latrines.
Sarah reports:
After some personnel changes, I am happy to report that this latest robinet project has been completed.
To extend the nearest existing water pipeline out to the latrines, a team of local boys first dug a trench approximately 150 meters long, in which the local plumber placed plastic tubing of the same length.
A local mason then constructed a handwashing station made of cement bricks positioned at the door of the latrines to provide for easy access to the students. The handwashing station is walled in on its outer side to protect from wind, and has a step at the front to block sand from entering.
When this was completed, the local plumber installed two faucets and an additional pipeline so that the gray water will drain directly into the latrines’ sewer tank.
Finally, the mason covered the back wall and floor of the handwashing station with ceramic tiles to ensure longevity. We used ceramic tiles left over from the latrines, and didn’t have enough to cover the other wall of the handwashing station. The school director plans to purchase additional tiles, either with school funds or out of his pocket.
The project has encouraged students to wash their hands after using the restroom, as it has provided a convenient and pleasant locale for doing so. Furthermore, its location next to the latrines has decreased the work required to keep the latrines clean.
The school has provided antibacterial soap and plans to recruit local health workers to conduct several sensitizations on the importance of proper hygiene.
We are grateful to Sarah for quickly completing this needed project, and again extend our gratitude to The Andando Foundation.