This project has been completed under the direction of Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Emily McKeone.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
Here is the conclusion summary from Emily for Matanda Primary School:
The project aimed to relieve the water crisis that Matanda Primary School was facing, and succeeded. There was an old borehole that was providing poor quality water due to excessive iron. After demolition and removing the piping of this structure, a new, improved hand pump well was installed. Then, a soak away apron and soak pit was dug to catch any run off.
In addition, there was an education and training element that took place. The community was given instruction in handpump and borehole maintenance, as well as general hygiene and sanitation.
The primary result of the project is improved access to clean water and improved health. The borehole will provide access to clean, safe drinking water for 744 people daily, for an expected lifetime of 50 years. As a result of this clean drinking water source, communities will experience improved health and sanitation. School attendance for teachers and pupils will improve, resulting in a better quality education for all.
Other community impacts could include improved food security, as the school will be able to create small gardens and orchards. Previously, the school was unable to create on-site gardens due to the long distance to reach a water source. This new water source will allow easy watering of plants and improved knowledge of gardening for students, as well as a convenient food source. Some of the surplus produce grown could be sold at market to raise more money for the school.
The overall project impacts include, but are not limited to: improved health and sanitation, improved school attendance and education experience, increased knowledge of gardening and agriculture, food security, the ability to maintain their own water supply, and general community development. The community was very happy, and threw a party to celebrate. (Dancing and other teaching and performance elements are pictured here.)
We are grateful to Emily for completing this great project.