This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association.
It also would not be possible without the partnership Water Charity has developed with our friends’ Wine 2 Water.
Location Wondo Genet, Sidama Zone, Ethiopia
Community Description
Wondo Genet is located at the border of Hawassa and Shashamane in the east. The area is found in the SNNP region, Sidamazone (region populated by Sidama people). The majority of the people living in this area are producing annual and perennial crops. Sugar cane and avocado are the dominant perennial crops. The people live by leading a semi-subsistence way of life.
Problem Addressed
Safe and potable water is highly challenging for the people of Wondo Genet. Women and children are engaged in fetching water from rivers and ponds. They are forced to go to the town’s public water distribution centers, which are 3-5 km from the residential area. Because of the distance and waiting, the majority of the community members are forced to drink unclean water from the rivers, ponds and unprotected springs. The situation actually becomes worse during the rainy season due to the contamination of the water sources from runoff.
Waterborne diseases such as typhoid, diarrhea and giardiasis are very common in the area.
Project Description
As the first project in our new Ethiopia Borehole Program, this project will involve contracting the Selam Awassa Water Drilling Works & Sanitation PLC, a local company that was donated to drilling equipment previously by our friends’ Wine 2 Water. They have already assessed the situation, and are ready to begin drilling, a process that will take 4 days or so to complete.
The water table in the area is only around 85 ft. While not very deep by Ethiopia standards, boreholes of this depth require expensive drilling equipment and a lot of very specific know-how. We are fortunate to be working with a group that has done a lot of wells in the region and has a proven, successful track record in providing year-round water supplies to remote areas such as this.
The project also involves the creation of a local Water Committee in the village to make decisions regarding the installation and its upkeep. In addition, there is a small education component where the locals will be taught how to care for their new well, as well as getting instruction in sanitation and general hygiene.
Project Impact
This project will benefit approximately 500 people, as well as guests, travelers, and visitors to the village.
Project Management
Kyle Lomax
Monitoring and Maintenance
The local Waredo (county) government oversees all water development projects, and the national government of Ethiopia also takes a keen interest in borehole projects specifically. The day-to-day care and maintenance of the well will be the responsibility of the villagers themselves. They have already set up a Water Committee for the purpose of overseeing the needs of the borehole by collecting a small fee from all the households served by the well and holding this money for future repairs and upkeep.
The fact that our friends at Wine 2 Water provided this group a good portion of their equipment has made it easier for all of us who want to do borehole projects in the area. We are pleased that they have gone out of their way to connect us to Selam Awassa and the ability to get projects like this done here.
This project is not only the first of many wells being done under our new Ethiopia Borehole Program, but also falls under our large and expanding East Africa Water & Sanitation Program.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Dollar Amount Needed
This project has been fully funded by a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. We want to thank that person for making this project possible, and encourage anyone who likes what we are doing here to contribute their donation to the overall programs it falls under. (links above)
This project has been completed. To see the results, CLICK HERE.