This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Lorraine Perricone – Dazzo.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build 15 high-quality latrines in Diouly Ker Mor.
Lorraine reports:
The project at my Peace Corps site is completed.
Over the past month, 6 workers have been hosted at my compound in the village of Diouly ker Mor where they constructed 14 high-quality, double-pit, cement-lined latrines with handwashing stations.
The workers were hired and sent by the project PEP-AM (Programme d-eux potable d’assinessment du Millenaire). Water Charity funds paid the community stipend for their country-wide latrine construction program, which covered materials and labor.
The latrines fill an important need in the community, as most households had no facility and certainly none as secure and quality as these. Now each household compound has one for approximately every 15 people.
The program has a continuing community-education aspect, as community outreach specialists have been trained to promote handwashing and proper latrine maintenance. The physical existence of the latrines, plus good understanding of diarrhea-borne disease, will reduce instances of such illness in the community.
Thank you again for making this project possible through funding from Water Charity. Keep up the great work.
We are grateful to Lorraine for finishing this project, leveraging the funds by coordination with other organizations to build functional and long-lasting facilities. We are also grateful to the Elmo Foundation for providing the major funding for the project and to Lorraine’s friends and family for contributing.