Didieni, Quartier Peulh, Mali
Community Description
Didieni is a town of 6-7,000 people along the main road. It is a stop for travelers and truck drivers headed to Kayes, Senegal, and Mauritania. It has a lot of ethnic diversity, with Bambara, Peulh, Moors, and Mande people co-existing peacefully.
There is a mayor’s office, a local health center, schools (up to the ninth grade), many women’s associations, and several NGOs.
Unfortunately, there is a great deal of waterborne illnesses and malnutrition. As it is on the border of the Sahel, water is often in short supply. Current water sources are at a significant distance from the town.
The Peulh (a nomadic ethnic group) section of Didieni has a major water shortage and has been seeking to build a large diameter well for 15-20 years, but until now has been unable to find financial assistance.
The project finally began with a groundbreaking ceremony, which included PCV Amanda Misiti as well as the village chief’s representative, the mayor, and the head of the police, as well as many of the organizers of the project.
The work started in May 2010, but the diggers encountered rock, which slowed the project down, and raised the cost above the financial resources of the community.
Project Description
This project is to complete the construction of the well in Didieni. The work is being done by a team of skilled well diggers.
The well is of 1.5 meters diameter, and will be dug to a depth of between 15 and 25 meters, depending on the difficulties encountered in the digging. Water has been encountered at a depth of 10 meters.
The well will be covered and the top portion will be reinforced with cement. The water quality should be good, but it will still be treated with bleach, and shocked every month. Additional bleach will be added to the family drinking containers.
Funds remaining after the well construction will be used to construct two animal troughs and a wash area where women will be able to wash clothes.
The well offers many health and economic benefits to the community. It will be used for drinking water, to give water to the many livestock that belongs to the Peulh people, to wash clothes, to build bricks to construct houses, and for women’s gardens.
The community is providing 36% of the total construction costs, most of which are in cash, and some of which are in-kind.
Project Impact
This project will benefit 2,000 people in 150 households.
Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Amanda Misiti
This project is a good example of Water Charity’s commitment to “finish” projects. Here we have a much-needed project, with a large community commitment, that has been years in the planning. It reached a point where it was close to being achieved, only to run into a frustrating barrier.
The well will improve the overall health of this section of the community, as they currently suffer from water shortages during the hot season and have poor quality water.
In addition, the well will give the women the ability to garden, allowing them to have access to vegetables, thereby decreasing malnutrition and offering them a source of income.
Dollar Amount of Project
Donations Collected to Date
Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded, through the generosity of Adrian Jacobs, of Myrtle Beach, SC, USA, with the help of other friends and family of Peace Corps Volunteer Amanda Misiti.
We encourage others to continue to donate using the Donate button below, and we will notify Amanda of your donation. Additional funds will be used to fund the next project by Amanda and/or those other PCVs in the country of service.
This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.