Diankankounda Ogel Latrine Project – Senegal

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association.

Diankankounda Ogel, Kolda, Senegal

Community Description   
Diankankounda Ogel is a community in the Kolda region of southern Senegal. The village is made up of Pulaar speakers and has about 1,000 people. The village has a middle school (CEM) that is three years old, and the school’s closest source of water is a well over 100 meters away from the school.  The village’s middle school serves students from 12 different surrounding villages and is currently in its 3rd year, though it does not yet have a permanent structure or latrines.

Problem Addressed
Students currently must take valuable time out of their classes to go home to use the bathroom, or are forced to find a place out in the forest. The school was started three years ago and has recently expanded, with further plans for expansion as more students attend. Funds for building classrooms have been pooled to start construction, but this does not include funding for latrines or hand washing stations.

Project Description
This project will provide three latrines, each with hand washing stations and a separate robinet for access to water for drinking and other uses. The work will be performed by a local mason.

Water Charity funds will be used to pay for materials and skilled labor. The community will contribute work in the form of digging, materials, and cash contributions to the project.

The volunteer, in collaboration with the village chief, and parent’s association, has worked with community health workers to design a plan for behavior change communication that will go along with the project. Once the structures are completed, she and students from the school will paint murals as reminders to use latrines and wash your hands. Students will complete WASH trainings during class with the village’s community health worker and the volunteer. The students will then be able to spread knowledge to their families about latrine use instead of open defecation, handwashing, and other WASH techniques.

Project Impact
This project will benefit 400 people.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Lexi Merrick

Monitoring and Maintenance 
The local mason who built the facilities will be able to repair them if necessary. The school plans to pay the robinet bills in the future and the school will also elect a committee of students who will be responsible for the cleaning and care of the latrines.

Diankankounda Ogel Parents of Students Association is the community organization helping out with this project.  Although this is not officially a Let Girls Learn Project, it will benefit girls by helping them to stay in school by providing clean, private facilities for them to take care of their personal needs.  This will also increase health so that the girls are able to stay in school and get a proper education.

This project is part of our ongoing Western Africa Water & Sanitation Program.

Dollar Amount of Project


Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed

Donations of any amount will be appreciated. The full amount will allow you a posted dedication, if that is something you would like.