This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Robert DeKay. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to replace handwashing stations at the school.
Robert reports:
The project at School № 9 has been completed. I waited a little while to make sure that every last detail has been resolved, and all newly installed items are working as they should.
First, I should say that my role in the project was quite minimal. I had the good fortune to work with the NGO Youth Employment Center in Chernihiv and was able to delegate all responsibilities to them. My main contact in the organization, Iryna, worked as a counterpart for volunteers in the past, so she was 100% reliable and completely comfortable leading the project.
As a PCV, I see my role as a facilitator who encourages long-term sustainability by supporting those who show promise as future leaders. Had I done everything myself it would have not been as productive a project.
After receiving the funds, Iryna and her husband went to the DIY store and took pictures of all of the items she intended to purchase, price tags and all. The pictures were emailed to me, I agreed, and the next day she went and purchased them. Later she gave me all of the receipts and documents for all of the purchased items.
In the beginning of August the work began in the school, but due to the state of the pipes and surrounding metalwork, things ended up taking a bit longer than expected. Unfortunately, they were not able to finish the work before classes resumed, September 1st, but the workers were granted access to the building after hours and on weekends.
All of the final work was completed by the middle of November. The piping was repaired, and 7 sinks and their respective accessories were installed. Many of the fixtures replaced had not worked for 10+ years.
Thank you for contributing to this school. The students, and faculty, are more grateful than you could possibly imagine.
We, in turn extend our thanks to Robert for completing this project. We are still accepting donations so that we will have enough on hand to continue funding projects in Ukraine.