This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Alexis Ward. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to replace the unserviceable supply and wastewater piping in the girl’s, boy’s, and teacher’s bathrooms at the Radionovka Secondary School.
Alexis reports:
My project was to replace the broken sewage pipes in our secondary school building and to put an end to the unsanitary leakage of raw sewage within the bathrooms. Together with community members who are skilled plumbers, we purchased pipes, glue, and pipe connector pieces. Over four long weeks of construction underneath the school, the broken leaking pipes were replaced with new plastic piping that will last a very long time.
Within the school, all busted pipes were replaced within the boy’s and girls’ restrooms, and a new toilet was purchased and placed within the communal restroom on the first floor. Five water-holding containers were purchased with the remaining money for students to wash their hands since the school does not have running water.
This project not only benefited the entire school, students and faculty, but also the parents who visit and help there as well. Everyone was extremely thankful, and could not express how great it is to have a functional restroom! No more walking outside during negative-degree winters! I had many people personally thank me for everything that I have done, and many people wanted me to thank Water Charity also for making this project possible.
I have collected a few quotes about the project for you:
“The bathrooms smell so much better! It’s like magic.” – Malina Obidahatta, 2nd grade
“Thank you for helping our school. I am very proud of our work as a community and it could not have happened without Water Charity (Appropriate Projects). Ukraine needs more organizations like this one to help us!” Ludmila Victorivna, Director of Radionovka Secondary School
We again wish to thank The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust and friends and family of Alexis for providing the funding for this project.