This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Brianna Reed. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to repair 3 boreholes and restore them to full functionality.
Brianna reports:
I’m writing to report that the Namwera and Maliera Borehole Project has been successfully completed!
Upon receiving the funds provided by Appropriate Projects, community members from each respective borehole water committee assisted in the purchase and transport of all materials, including cement, piping, and replacement borehole pump parts.
Committee members were fortunate enough to have participated recently in a training run by World Vision on proper borehole maintenance and repair, and practiced these new, valuable skills in the rehabilitation of these respective boreholes under the supervision of the area’s Department of Water & Irrigation extension worker.
Committee members successfully replaced missing or worn pump parts and piping, resulting in increased water availability in these communities.
Additionally, at two of the boreholes, the water committees raised funds for labor and collected materials to reconstruct the borehole sites/foundation using cement bought from the project.
These pumps are strategically placed in locations that many people have close access to. Upon the arrival of water from the Namwera borehole “#2” on the hill in Namwera Village, the female members of this committee and other women community members immediately began to dance and sing. Their words: “Water is life, water is medicine. “ This is a sentiment shared by everyone in these communities, and it is now possible to travel a reasonable distance to find water instead of 2 K to the nearest safe water source. The people here are extremely grateful. Thank you.
We again wish to thank The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding for this project.