This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Lindsay D’Amato. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to install a solar-powered water system consisting of a solar panel, electric pump, storage tank, and piping to the homes.
Lindsay reports:
This project has been completed on schedule and within budget. The Water Committee of Caimital worked with experienced technicians to purchase the equipment and materials and perform the installation.
Unskilled work was performed by the community, which also provided the concrete, sheets of zinc, and the majority of raw construction materials.
Water Charity funds were used for the purchase of the solar panels and the pump and parts, along with skilled labor.
Although the plans called for an 850-watt solar panel array, we were able to upgrade to a 1,225-watt system.
Piping from the pump was run to the storage tank, and from the tank to the homes in the community.
We successfully increased the availability of potable water in the community from 1-2 hours each week to several hours per day when there is ample sunlight.
Twenty-seven houses, 1 school and a church now have dependable, potable water available to support improved hygiene, health and overall quality of life.
Monthly dues of $1.50 are now being collected from each family and will go toward maintenance and repair of the system as needed.
The citizens of Caimital are thrilled to finally have a dependable water source in the community and are dedicated to the sustainability of the project. The water committee has built protective fencing around their prized solar panel array, and has appointed and trained two young adults in the community to take charge of managing the system.
Again, thank you so much for providing funds for the project! Your generosity has meant so much to me and my beloved community in Caimital.
We at Water Charity extend our congratulations to the community and to Lindsay for completing this terrific project.
We again thank the Elmo Foundation for providing the funding.