This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Bruce Kelsey. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to enlarge the current water supply pond and fix the hand-pumped well at the school.
Bruce reports:
Both phases of this project – the repair of the hand pump on the well and the expansion of the pond – were completed successfully.
The pump mechanic was extremely concerned when we first started tearing the hand pump apart. The pump hadn’t been taken apart since 1999, when it was first installed, and all the upper metal was extremely rusty. As we were attempting to unscrew the shaft, it sheared at one coupling. Also, the PVC liner had become brittle and the top section shattered.
However, once we got to the lower section that had been continuously submerged, all the material was in great shape. It was found that the only reason it hadn’t been working was because a razor blade had fallen into the well and jammed in the upper O-ring and destroyed it.
Once the O-rings had been replaced, a new upper section of PVC piping installed, and the shaft re-welded, the pump went back together quickly and we again had a great flow of water from the well! The children were out doing their laundry that same evening as we left.
Digital Camera
The ground adjacent to the old pond turned out to be extremely difficult to dig. We had hoped that we might get an even larger pond in the five hours we had contracted the excavator, but had to settle for the 10 x 7 x 3 meters that has been guaranteed as a minimum. Since we kept the old pond and attached the new pond to it, we actually ended up with 7.5 times as much capacity. Now, we will definitely have enough water to make it through a complete year.
We also had a villager donate waterlily roots when the rainy season comes, so in addition to the increased fish and water convolvulus production that we had anticipated, we will now have waterlily for cooking.
Also, we were able to trade some of the excess dirt dug up for use of a dump truck and bulldozer. We were able to move the remaining dirt from the pond excavation to low areas throughout the school grounds. This will give us more usable space, as well as removing the mosquito-breeding hazard associated with the swampy low ground.
Everyone is looking forward to having enough water to start a school garden and agricultural education program.
Thanks again to Appropriate Projects and all the donors for making all this possible!
We are grateful to Bruce for completing this project, his sixth in partnership with Water Charity. We also wish to again thank Bruce’s faithful and generous friends for again providing funds to continue this tremendous effort.