This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Bruce Kelsey. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to build two toilets at the school.
Bruce reports:
This latrine project has been successfully completed.
We got off to a bit of a slow start, because the contractor was completing another project…and then there were several days of hard rain. Once construction began, it was found that the soil was exceptionally difficult to dig. It took three days to complete the hole for the septic vault.
Meanwhile, however, the mason was able to make a great time. He completed the foundation of local stones the first morning and then proceeded to do all the brickwork, including the water cistern and interior divider wall over the next two days.
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That left a day of tile work for the mason, while his assistants applied stucco to the exterior of the building and built the roof. Then, the interior and exterior were painted, and the donor plaque was painted on the front.
The students are all on break from school, due to the EV71 outbreak (all schools in Cambodia were closed to try to help contain the epidemic) so have not got to use the new facilities. However, the staff was excited to have clean, new toilets with doors. And, nearly half the village of thirty houses will be closer to the new latrine than they are to the old one, and expressed their appreciation for this enhanced access to sanitation.
Thank you again for the funding to build this latrine, and thus improve the lives of the students, school staff, and villagers.
We, in turn, wish to thank Bruce for completing yet another great project, and extend our gratitude to Bruce’s friends and family for providing the funds.