This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Bruce Kelsey. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to install a new rainwater storage tank system, composed of 6 tanks, at the school.
Bruce reports:
The Ang Chak High School Rainwater Storage Project has been successfully finished.
Digital Camera
The first week, the contracted mason built a form for the foundation out of bricks. This was filled with broken stone and then concrete to make a solid pad to place the tanks on. Then, the crew used ropes and bars to lift the base piping pieces into place. Holes were drilled at the base of each tank to allow them to be connected with 1″ PVC piping. Then, all the joints between the slab, tanks, and PVC were grouted with cement.
In addition, a berm of cement was built over each PVC tank connector to protect it. Then, still just using manpower, the upper sections of the tanks were wrestled into place. All the joints between tank sections were sealed with cement grout. Once all the tanks were completed, the exterior was coated with cement slip and the interiors were sealed with rubberized coating.
The only work left for the second week was the installation of rain gutters on the adjacent building…and the routing of the rain gutters to the tank lids with 3″ PVC piping. This was completed just in time for the first big rainstorm of this monsoon season and the tanks are nearly full!
The school directors and the school maintenance men all went out of their way to tell me how wonderful it is to have these tanks providing water to the latrines and gardens. They asked me to convey their appreciation to Appropriate Projects and the donors.
We, in turn, express our gratitude to Bruce for successfully completing another remarkable project. We again thank Randy, Debi, and Ian Panke for providing the funding for the project, and also Bruce’s other family and friends for providing additional funds to be used for future projects.