This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Mariel Frankl.
To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was to renovate the water system that delivers water to Centro Escolar Cantón Amulunco.
Mariel reports:
The project has been completed according to plan.
After installing a new anti-microbial tank and rain-collection system, all students, teachers and school cooks now have clean, potable water for drinking, handwashing, and cooking.
The water filters that have been installed in both of Amulunco’s school water tanks have significantly lessened the amount of harmful bacteria and parasites commonly found in the local water supply, and have greatly reduced the number of cases of gastrointestinal problems that were once common among students.
We are grateful to Mariel for completing the project, and again wish to thank Rachel Rajput and Mariel’s other friends and family for providing the funding.