This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Jillian McIntosh. To read about the start of the project, CLICK HERE.
The project was designed to build two additional bathroom stalls at the elementary school.
Jillian reports:
Two bathroom stalls were built, and the existing damaged stall was fixed. Thus, the primary school now has three working bathrooms for its students and staff.
Ten primary school teachers, and the director, received WASH training by the PCV. We discussed the 5 times that are crucial for hand-washing to prevent disease: before eating, after using the toilet, after washing a child’s bottom, before cooking, and after greeting an ill person.
Hand-washing stations were distributed to each classroom after the teacher recreated the hygiene lesson to their students, while observed by the PCV. Students demonstrated to the PCV and teacher that they could thoroughly wash their hands and recite the 5 crucial times.
Jillian has completed her service. She was replaced by a new PCV who has continued the work by painting hand-washing murals at the school and ensuring that the facilities are maintained.
We extend our thanks to Jillian for completing this project.