52 Pumps in 52 Weeks – Senegal – Project 31 – Saare Bidji, Community Well

This project is part of our 52 Pumps in 52 Weeks Program, being implemented by Peace Corps Volunteers Marcie Todd and Garrison Harward. To read about the program and follow its progress, CLICK HERE.

Saare Bidji, Kolda, Senegal

Community Description
On the outskirts of Kolda sits a small, one runway airport. Behind the airport, down a sandy bush path, which parallels a string of electrical poles, nestled in into a plethora of trees is Saare Bidji. Each plane that flies over Saare Bidji is a wondrous event as the children run to the fields to get a more clear view of the metal horse of the sky. Their gigantic smiles transition to excited screams, “abion, abion”, which is supposed to be avion, the French word for plane.

Saare Bidji is home to about 1,000 people, and many more non-residents flow through during the year to either work in the school or in the fields. Saare Bidji is the capitol of its Rural Community, which is composed of 300 other villages ranging from 50 to 500 people per village. As the capitol, Saare Bidji owns a school, a health post, multiple government offices, and a home belonging to the president of the whole Rural Community.

Project Description
The president of the Rural Community built a well last year that is used by 60 families for all their daily water needs. We will install an Erobon Rope Pump, which will help these families pull more water in less time.

Project Impact
60 families, approximately 480 men, women, and children, will benefit from the project.

Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project
Marcie Todd and Adrian Martinez


Dollar Amount of Project

Donations Collected to Date

Dollar Amount Needed
$0.00 – This project has been fully funded through the generosity of Autumn Staats, of Blackwood, NJ, USA.

This project has been finished. To read about the conclusion of the project, CLICK HERE.

52 Pumps in 52 Weeks – Senegal – Project 31 - Saare Bidji, Community Well52 Pumps in 52 Weeks – Senegal – Project 31 - Saare Bidji, Community Well