Water Is Basic

Northern Bahr el Ghazal & Warrap Well Rehabilitation Program – South Sudan

Water Charity has already been working primarily in the south around Yei River State, for more details on the South Sudan Well Rehab Program, CLICK HERE. Water Charity in partnership with Water is Basic, is excited to launch a transformative project focused on rehabilitating and restoring 100 boreholes in the Northern Bahr el Ghazal and […]

South Sudan Well Rehab Program – Phase V

Water Charity’s South Sudan Well Rehab Program – Phase V To restore 16 relief wells in Yei River State Introduction As part of our extensive South Sudan Well Rehab Program, Phase Five expand upon the already extensive work we have done in that nation.  Water Charity has partnered with Water is Basic during a fragile […]

Conclusion of South Sudan Well Rehab Projects – Phase 1

Water Charity is proud to announce that the first phase of our South Sudan Well Rehab Program has been completed successfully.  All 10 of the original well repairs went well, and have restored access to clean water in all 10 villages.  In fact, the rehabs went so well that 3 additional villages were able to be restored to […]

San-Ji-Sari Well Rehab Project – South Sudan

his project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association, working with Water is Basic. This is Project 8 of Phase 2 of our South Sudan Well Rehab Program. Phase 1 of the program began with the Tore region, which became the center of a new wave of violence.  These Phase […]

Marakonye Primary School Well Rehab – South Sudan

This project continues Phase 2 of our South Sudan Well Rehab Program. The project has been completed. Scroll down to See #Conclusion Report below. This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and NPCA, working with Water is Basic. If you wish to see more great projects like this one, please contribute by clicking on […]

Illimoko Well Rehab – South Sudan

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity, Water is Basic & the National Peace Corps Association. This project is part of Phase 2 in our ongoing South Sudan Well Rehab Program. The program’s Phase 1 began with the Tore region, which became the center of a new wave of violence.  These new […]

NTC Well Rehab – South Sudan

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association , working with Water is Basic. This is Project 7 of Phase 2 of our South Sudan Well Rehab Program. Phase 1 of the program began with the Tore region, which became the center of a new wave […]

Zezira II Well Renewal – South Sudan

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps  Association, working with Water is Basic. The Zezira II Community Well Rehabilitation has been COMPLETED!  To read the #Conclusion Report and watch the video scroll down below. This is Project 10 of Phase 2 of our South Sudan Well Rehab […]

Marakonye Community Well Rehab – South Sudan

his project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association, working with Water is Basic. This is Project 9 of Phase 2 of our South Sudan Well Rehab Program. Phase 1 of the program began with the Tore region, which became the center of a new wave of violence.  These Phase 2 projects […]

South Sudan Well Rehab Projects – Phase 1

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association, along with Water is Basic. Water Charity is pleased to announce this PHASE 1 of our South Sudan Well Rehab Program, designed to help the people of South Sudan by rehabilitating wells and repairing pumps across the country.  The program […]