National Peace Corps Association

Conclusion of Nhlulweni KaGogo Center Latrine Project – Swaziland

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Lewis Kiker. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a public latrine for the community center. Lewis reports:  The latrine at the Nhlulweni KaGogo Center is up and functioning! The community really came together to construct […]

Los Perez School Latrine Project – Guatemala

Location Caserio Los Perez, Aldea Patzac, Santa Apolonia, Chimaltenango, Guatemala  Community Description The high rural Guatemalan community of Los Perez only recently acquired the formal status of caserio (village). The community is located at 2,500 meters of elevation (approx. 8,100 feet), and is home to 20 families, who are all mostly interrelated. Most adults have […]

Conclusion of Los Perez School Latrine Project – Guatemala

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Dercum Over. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a bathroom with 3 flush toilets. Dercum reports: The community of Los Perez has successfully completed the project of replacing the dangerous latrines in their elementary school […]

Conclusion of Yarkovskaya School Water Purification Project – Ukraine

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Rachel Logsdon. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to install a water purification system in the cafeteria of Yarkovskaya School. Rachel reports: After the funds were received, a representative of the school and I visited a local […]

Boustane Diaw Latrine Project – Senegal

Location Boustane Diaw, Patar Lia, Ouadiour, Fatick, Senegal Community Description Boustane Diaw is a small rural village in the Gossas area, within the community of Patar Lia, in the arrondissement of Ouadiour, region of Fatick, Senegal. It is part of a three-village cluster and has a population of about 200 people. They live in 12 […]

Yarkovskaya School Water Purification Project – Ukraine

Location Yarkoye, Crimea, Ukraine Community Description Yarkoye is a village in Crimea consisting of just over 2,000 people. Many people in the village make a living through what they grow on their farms. 220 students attend Yarkovskaya School from the first to the eleventh grade. There are 38 employees at the school, including 24 teachers. […]

Conclusion of Boustane Diop Latrine Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Albert Vang. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build 7 pit-style, brick-lined latrines in the Boustane Diop. Albert reports: With the experience of prior latrine projects, the project went smoothly. During the month prior to starting […]

Keur Amadou Diop Latrine Project – Senegal

Location Keur Amadou Diop, community of Patar Lia, district of Gossas, arrondissement of Ouadiour, region of Fatick, Senegal Community Description Keur Amadou Diop is located in the rural community of Patar Lia, the district of Gossas, the arrondissement the Ouadiour, and the region of Fatick. Although Keur Amadou Diop is within the radius of the […]

Escuela Oficial Urbana Mixta La Cienaga Handwashing Station – Guatemala

Location Barrio La Cienaga, Municipality of San Cristobal Totonicapan, Department of Totonicapan, Guatemala Community Description La Cienaga is a small community of 1,250 inhabitants of both Mayan and Spanish descent, only 2 km by 2 km in size and located 1,500 m outside the municipality of San Cristobal Totonicapan. Most of the community has access […]