National Peace Corps Association

El Llano PAIN Handwashing Station Project – Guatemala

Location El Llano, Patzun, Chimaltenango, Guatemala Community Description El Llano is a small village with a population of around 600 people located 2.5 km from the town of Patzún. The population is 99% indigenous and people primarily speak the Mayan language of Kaqchikel. Almost all of the community members are farmers and rely on selling […]

Jargalant 12-year Secondary School Water Project – Mongolia

Location Jargalant town, Orkhon region, Mongolia Community Description Jargalant — popularly known as “Ulaan Tolgoi” or “Red Head” — is situated in Orkhon province, in the central, northern region of the country. It was founded in 1978, and there were many Russians among its early planners and residents. It is situated about 30 km outside […]

Conclusion of Teugue-Ndogui Ecole 1 Latrine Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteers Lyzz Ogunwo and Rachel Gonnella. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a basic 2-compartment latrine for the elementary school in Teugue-Ndogui. Lyzz reports: I am happy to say the project is complete. The hole for […]

Teugue-Ndogui Ecole 1 Latrine Project – Senegal

Location Teugue-Ndogui, Department of Kebemer, Region of Louga, Senegal Community Description Teugue-Ndogui is a small village in Northern Senegal with about 1,000 people of Wolof ethnicity. Subsistence farming and animal husbandry are the main sources of income, although due to the close proximity to regional capitals and cities, community members migrate during the work week […]

Conclusion of Sall Nabe Women’s Group Well Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Jessica Frye. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a well for the women’s group community garden of Sall Nabe. Jessica reports: Thanks to the Elmo Foundation and Appropriate Projects I have been able to receive […]

Sall Nabe Women’s Group Well Project – Senegal

Sall Nabe Quartier, Village Salémata Centre, Region Kedougou, Senegal Community Description Salémata is a large village located in the region of Kedougou in southeastern Senegal. The village consists of a population of approximately 3,000. However, in 2009, Salémata formally became a department that now consists of six rural communities, creating a total population of approximately […]

Groupe Scolaire Sainte Famille Handwashing Station Project – Rwanda

Location Nyarugenge District, Kigali, Rwanda Community Description Groupe Scolaire Sainte Famille has a long history of educating the children of Rwanda’s capital, Kigali. Established in 1913, it is Kigali city’s first school. Currently, the G. S.  Sainte Famille is one of nine Basic Education Schools serving the Nyarugenge District of Kigali. The school currently has […]

Marembilia Water Pump Project – Mali

Location Marembilia, commune de Kokofata, cercle de Kita, Kayes region, Mali Community Description Marembilia is a small village of 500 people, mostly Malinke, and virtually all subsistence farmers. Potable water is their primary concern. Most drinking water is taken from traditional wells, which are susceptible to high contamination. There is one fully operational pump at the […]

Conclusion of Marembilia Water Pump Project – Mali

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Eric Braaten. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to restore the pumps in the village to full functionality to provide for the potable water needs of the village, and to provide additional facilities for irrigation and tending […]