National Peace Corps Association

Shatsk Forest College Water Project – Ukraine

Location Shatsk, Ukraine Community Description The town of Shatsk, with 6,000 people, is located in the northwestern corner of Ukraine, near the borders of Poland (15 km) and Belorussia (22 km). The town is located east of a natural border, called The River Bug, and in the heart of the Shatsk National Natural Park which […]

Impilo Community Center Pump Project – South Africa

Location Vaalbank (aka Libangeni), Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Community Description Vaalbank, located about 90 km NE of Pretoria, is about 1 sq mile in area, and the extension area adjoining it about a third that size. All but a few of the streets are dirt. This region of South Africa is very water-challenged. Although most houses […]

Bangu Well Project – Malawi

Location Bangu Village, Mimosa, Mulanje District, Southern Region, Malawi  Community Description Bangu Village is a small but highly populated community in the district of Mulanje, just East of Mt. Mulanje. There are about 3,000 people in the village and the surrounding area. Community members have been forced to walk up to 2 kilometers to obtain safe […]

Kuli Kunda School Well Repair Project – The Gambia

The Kuli Kunda school well was dug on 10 November 1996, shortly after the school was established.  The pump is used not only for drinking water for the school’s 100 children but also for the school garden.  In addition, problems with the village water supply have led to many villagers coming to the school for […]

Kerr Tubai Solar Powered Water Project – The Gambia

PROJECT INFORMATION Location of Project: Kerr Tubai, North Bank Region, Lower Niumi, The Gambia, West Africa; GPS Coordinates: N13°27.262 W016°26.284 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT COMMUNITY Kerr Tubai is a small community located in the eastern part of Bakindiki. The settlers are from the Fula and Manjago tribes. The one-century-old community is populated by roughly 200 subsistence farmers […]

Jarra East Handpump and Handwashing Tour – The Gambia

Lower River Region’s Jarra East Hand Pump & Handwashing Tour The Lower River Region is divided into six districts: Jarra East, Jarra Central, Jarra West, Kiang Central, Kiang East, and Kiang West. In the early nineteenth century, Jarra started as one of the nine Mandinka kingdoms located along the south bank of the Gambia River. […]

EORM Xoljoc Handwashing Station Project – Guatemala

Location Paraje Xoljoc, Aldea Pitzal, Momostenango, Totonicapan Community Description Paraje Xoljoc is located off of the Inter-American Highway on Km 210 heading towards Huehuetenango. It consists of approximately 1,000 inhabitants. The native language is known as K’iche’ (Quiche), but Spanish is spoken by over 99% of the men and is understood by most women. The […]

Conclusion of EORM Xoljoc Handwashing Station Project – Guatemala

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Daniel Landeros. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a handwashing station at the school. Daniel reports: EORM Xoljoc parents’ committee was determined to finish the project by early January. They had no other option, given […]

Conclusion of Unión Cantinil Reforestation Project – Guatemala

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Erik Benoist. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to reforest large areas around springs which have been deforested in order to protect the water supply. Erik reports: The project was a simple and efficient success. We planted […]

Diankankounda Ogel Latrine Project – Senegal

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association. LocationDiankankounda Ogel, Kolda, Senegal Community Description   Diankankounda Ogel is a community in the Kolda region of southern Senegal. The village is made up of Pulaar speakers and has about 1,000 people. The village has a middle school (CEM) […]