
Cotova Water Supply Project – Moldova

Location Cotova, district Drochia, Moldova Community Description Cotova is a village of approximately 4,000 residents located in Northern Moldova, about thirty kilometers from the Ukrainian border. This area experiences cold winters and mild, pleasant summers. Snow usually begins sometime in November, staying on the ground until at least late January. Cotova is blessed with fertile, […]

Ngoma School Latrine Project – Namibia

Location Ngoma Lower Primary School, Kavango Region, Namibia, Africa. Community Description The school is located in a rural village 70 km west of Rundu in the Kavango Region of Namibia. Due to the lack of a latrine, teachers and learners walk up to half an hour to use the bush toilet. This current practice promotes […]

Ban NaAng School Kitchen Project – Thailand

Location Ban NaAng, Nongbualamphu Province, Thailand Community Description Ban NaAng is a rural village in Northeastern Thailand. The village consists mostly of rice farmers, who supplement their low monthly income by growing vegetables, raising chickens for meat and eggs, catching fish, and harvesting rice. They also make rice baskets and weave grass mats. There are […]

School Toilet Construction Project – Tanzania

This project will provide latrines for 316 students at a village primary school in Tanzania. It is being administered by Peace Corps Volunteer J. Meigel, of New York. School students currently do not have adequate sanitation facilities, relying on a drop toilet made of local organic materials, or going outside the school. The students, and […]

Water and Sanitation Project – Panama

This project is to rehabilitate the aqueduct system that provides water to this community in Panama, and to construct 22 pit latrines. It is being administered by Peace Corps Volunteer M. Butterton, of North Carolina. The original aqueduct was built in 1985 and consists of a simple spring box, tank, and gravity-fed PVC tube system. […]

Conclusion of Puerto Plata Filter Project – Dominican Republic

To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Asahi Wada. Using a tried and proven technology widely used in the region, water filters were purchased and distributed to a segment of the community that had previously been overlooked. Asahi reports: The distribution […]

Conclusion of Payton’s Water Catchment Project in El Salvador

To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was successfully carried out, on schedule and within budget, under the direction of Payton Phillips Garcia and Jeff Gould. The project enjoyed the total support of the community, clinic staff, and all levels of government. It began with an approval of the design […]

Shulinab Nursery School Water Project – Guyana

Location Shulinab Village in the South Central Rupununi region in Guyana, near the border of Brazil. Community Description Shulinab is an Amerindian village in the South Central Rupununi with a population of approximately 500 people. The community has an active village council, Parent Teachers and Friends Association, and a development organization called the South Central […]

Completion of Thiewal Lao Health Post Well Project – Senegal

To read about the beginning of this project, Click HERE. This project was completed on schedule and within budget, under the awesome leadership of Peace Corps Volunteer Maggie Pavelka. Here are the details: Project duration: 36 days Budget breakdown: -Materials – 120 850CFA = $269.96 (15 bags cement, 20 bars rebar, 2kg wire, pulley, rope, […]

School Latrines Project in Mali

Mali, located in Western Africa, is a landlocked nation, the seventh largest country in Africa. It borders on Algeria on the north, Niger on the east, Burkina Faso and the Côte d’Ivoire on the south, Guinea on the south-west, and Senegal and Mauritania on the west. This project is being done in a very poor […]