
Kiliya Conservation Project – Ukraine

Location Kiliya, Odesssa, Ukraine Community Description The Danube Delta is the second largest river delta in Europe and is the best preserved on the continent. It is a low alluvial plain, mostly covered by wetlands and water. It consists of an intricate pattern of marshes, channels, streamlets and lakes. The greater part of the Danube […]

Cacahuatalejo Pump Repair Project – El Salvador

Location Cacahuatalejo, San Francisco Gotera, Morazán, El Salvador Community Description The community of Cacahuatalejo, located in a low valley in the southern portion of the department of Morazan, is extremely hot, dusty and dry. There are 180 houses and 875 residents according to a recent census taken by the local Health Promoter. The primary school […]

Conclusion of Community Filter Project – Bolivia

This project has been completed under the direction of Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) Gina Collignon, with the help of her co-instructors Tim and Brett. To read about the start of this project, CLICK HERE. This is our second bio-sand filter project in the Rurrenabaque area of Bolivia, and our third project directed by an […]

Caserío Alita Water Project – Peru

Location Caserío Alita, district of Salas, department of Lambayeque, Perú Community Description Caserío Alita is a small agricultural community. The population is approximately 250 people, dispersed throughout the area. Almost every family lives near their farm or the pastureland for their animals (goats, sheep, cows, etc.). Corn and beans are the two most important crops […]

Ndvwabangeni Dam Project – Swaziland

About 80% of the population in Swaziland relies on subsistence farming for their survival. As a result, water availability is a huge issue for the country. It is a problem that is especially pronounced in the rural areas where there is an increased dependence on farming. A shortage of water means that a family cannot […]

Community Garden for People Living With HIV – Botswana

The village of Rakops, Botswana, is located just north of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. The majority of its 8,500 inhabitants are subsistence farmers creating a livelihood through the rearing of cattle and production of non-arable crops. It has the 3rd largest population in the Boteti Sub-District. According to the 2008 Botswana AIDS Impact Survey, […]

Conclusion of Misuku Protected Springs Project – Malawi

The second round of protected springs projects has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Andrew Abram. To read about the start of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was for the construction of 3 new protected springs in remote areas, and the repair of others found in disrepair. Andrew reports: With your […]

Mumana Lupando Spring Box Project – Zambia

Location Mumana Lupando, Northern Province, Zambia Community Description Mumana Lupando village is located in the Northern Province of Zambia, 85 kilometers west of Kasama, the provincial capital. The Kasolo section water source in Mumana Lupando provides water for Mumana Lupando Basic School, as well as approximately 40 households. It is located roughly in the middle […]

Boff Poupouye Latrine Project – Senegal

Location Boff Poupouye, Fatick, Senegal Community Description Boff Poupouye is a small rural community located within the department of Fatick, 110 km east of the capital Dakar. The village consists of roughly 300 people during the dry season and upwards of 400 during the harvesting months. The community has no electricity and relies on wells […]

Ovaka Water Catchment Project – Tonga

Location Ovaka, Vava’u, Kingdom of Tonga Community Description Ovaka is a small island, 2 hours by boat from the main town of Neiafu. During the week, there are approximately 50 people living on the island with 15 children in the local primary school, ranging from ages 6-11. The school’s sima vai (large water tank) is […]