
Conclusion of Kraubau Well Project – Cambodia

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Keiko Valente. To read about the start of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was to improve two hand-dug wells by reinforcing and increasing the depth of each. The pictures below amply describe the process. The impact on the public health of the […]

Conclusion of Kavunyalalo Water Catchment Project – Kenya

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer DeAnne Turner. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was to improve the sand dam and water catchment system for Kavunyalalo. DeAnne states in her final report: The people of Kavunyalalo, led by a community health worker, […]

Chuipoj Toilet Project – Guatemala

Location Caserío Chuipoj, Santa María Visitación, Sololá, Guatemala Community Description The Hamlet Chuipoj, municipality of Santa María Visitación, department of Sololá, is located to the south of its municipality and to the west of its department. It is 4 kilometers from its municipality, 44 km from the capital department, and 164 km from the capital […]

Kologan Agroforestry Project – Togo

This project uses an agricultural technology known as alley cropping. Trees are planted in alleys and alternated with crops to improve soil quality, improve water retention, prevent erosion, provide wood for fodder and fuel, prevent deforestation, eliminate much labor and thus make a sustainable system of agriculture. A local river will provide water for needed […]

Conclusion of Sonte School Project – Guatemala

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Dave Bowker. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Dave reports: The school in the rural village of Sonte Alta Verapaz, Guatemala now has a functioning system that allows children to wash their hands and brush their teeth within school […]

Saburunduru and Kinyaga Water Project – Rwanda

Location Kinyaga Village, Cyahinda Sector, Southern Province, Rwanda Community Description The villages of Saburunduru and Kinyaga in the Sector of Cyahinda lie atop a mountain in the Southern Province of Rwanda, near the Burundian border. Geographically stunning, but without electricity, none of the households have access to running water. Cyahinda is very rural and quite […]

Conclusion of Natural Well Development Project – Swaziland

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Serena Parcell. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project resulted in the conversion of a local naturally-occurring well into a functioning tap. Serena reports: On Wednesday, the 19th of May, we officially opened the completed water project in […]

Chitunda School Pump Project – Malawi

Location Katima Village, Ntchisi District, Malawi Community Description Katima Village is a small rural village in central Malawi. The people are subsistence farmers who grow their food needs and raise some tobacco and soya for their cash needs. Chitunda Primary School, located in Katima Village, has 625 children who attend from the surrounding villages. A […]

Thmar Puok Hospital Well Project – Cambodia

Location Thmar Puok, Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia Community Description Thmar Puok District town is located in the northwest Province of Banteay Meanchey 50 kilometers north of the Provincial Capital of Serei Sophon. One of the biggest concerns for people in Thmar Puok is the shortage of water. In the dry season, sanitation decreases because of the […]

Murehe Health Post Water Project – Rwanda

Location Murehe, Eastern Province, Rwanda Community Description Tucked away in a distant corner of Rwamagana District lies the village of Murehe. Murehe is perched atop a cascade of green hills in the Muyumbu sector of the Rwamagana District. Though geographically close to the capital city of Kigali, Murehe seems worlds apart, as it is largely […]