
Conclusion of Jali Women’s Garden Well Project – The Gambia

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Maggie Rudick. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was to improve the 6 wells that support the Women’s Garden to have the capacity to provide an adequate supply of water to irrigate the crops during the […]

Conclusion of Creşa Kindergarten Water Project – Moldova

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Veronica Michel. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was to provide the kindergarten Creşa with access to running water. A new water pump was purchased and connected to the local well. These improvements have already begun […]

Conclusion of School Water Storage and Filtration Project – Thailand

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Kent Elliott. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Kent reports: This project was completed as planned and budgeted. A 2,000-Liter Fiber Water Tank was purchased and installed on an elevated platform behind the main school building. The upper […]

Conclusion of Soak-Away Pit Construction Project – Ghana

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Andrew Head. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was developed to prevent malaria by reducing mosquito populations and removing breeding grounds through soak-away pit construction. Soak-away pits are simple to build and cost-effective, as the materials are […]

Conclusion of Melika Auba Irrigation Project – Ethiopia

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Jolene Valdez. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project called for the purchase and installation a generator-powered water pump and piping, to be used for irrigation of the growing crops of the village. Two Ethiopians, former members […]

Conclusion of Pacurasii Center Pump Project – Moldova

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Judie Wurm. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project called for the purchase and installation of a water pump to supply water for use by the Pacurasii Center. It was critically needed, as the existing pump had […]

Conclusion of Sarre Habadou Well Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Benjamin Bocian. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project called for a well to be built near the health post and used by at least three compounds. Benjamin reported that the water table was 10 meters lower […]

Conclusion of Talas Oblast Lyceum Complex Outhouse Project – Kyrgyzstan

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Cameron Blume. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Soon after the project was finished, the political situation deteriorated in Kyrgyzstan, and Cameron was unable to return to the community. Conditions have now stabilized to some extent, and it […]

Conclusion of Foulamory Health Hut Well Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Olivia Kenna. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a well to serve the Foulamory Community Health Hut as a source of potable water for the purposes of sanitation, first aid wound care, and […]

Redlight Pasture Restroom Project – Jamaica

Location Redlight, Jamaica Community Description Redlight is located about 20 km from, and 3,000 vertical feet above, the capital of Kingston. Residents travel to Kingston for medical facilities, banks and markets. Redlight largely makes its income through farming, coffee production and tourism that utilizes its unique location nestled in the scenic Blue Mountains. Close proximity […]