
Conclusion of Cacahuatalejo Pump Repair Project – El Salvador

This project has been successfully completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Zach Thomas. To see the history of this project CLICK HERE. The project was to repair the broken community water pump that had ceased to function many years ago. Zach reports: We completed the pump repair in one 12-hour workday! We had […]

Dassa Family Latrine Project – Benin

Dassa-Zoumé is a burgeoning community located at the crossroads of Benin, in the region known as the Collines. Due to its unsurpassed beauty, ideal location, and availability of resources, population rates have been rapidly increasing, leading to overcrowding in poorer neighborhoods. Nearly 3/4 of the 12 neighborhoods in Dassa have a shortage of latrines, while […]

Conclusion of Chimundo Community Center Bathroom Project – Mozambique

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Gracey Uffman. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was to construct a bathroom at the Chimundo Community Center, with basic plumbing and facilities for males and females. The building was erected using with cement blocks, and […]

Conclusion of Laradjie Jaxanke Well Project – Senegal

This project has been successfully completed, under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Erin Malone. To see the history of this project CLICK HERE. The project was to repair and upgrade the two wells serving 200 people in the village. It called for the lining of each with cement, and securing of the opening to […]

Conclusion of Ndiaye-Ndiaye Community Well Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Daniel Robles-Olson. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was to dig a well at the community center, to be used for a community garden, and accessible to the community at large. Daniel reports that the well […]

Conclusion of School Flooding Remediation Project – Mexico

This project has been completed under the direction of Tamara Brennan, Ph.D., Executive Director of Sexto Sol. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project called for the installation of rain gutters on the roofs of the classrooms as a means to alleviate the seasonal flooding at the Escuela Primaria “Estado […]

Rubona Health Center Water Project – Rwanda

Location Rubona, Rwamagana District, Eastern Province, Rwanda Community Description Rubona is a rural community in Rwamagana District in the Eastern Province of Rwanda, with a health center that serves a population of 24,620 people. Health center services are comprehensive and include general consultation, maternity, voluntary counseling and testing for HIV, vaccinations, and laboratory testing. The […]

Cyenkwanzi Community Water Project – Rwanda

Location Cyenkwanzi Village, Karama Sector, Nyagatare District, Eastern Province, Rwanda Community Description Although only 20 kilometers from the growing town of Nyagatare in the Eastern Province of Rwanda, the village of Cyenkwanzi lacks almost all of the amenities of town life, including electricity and access to potable water. Leaving the hustle and bustle of town […]

Conclusion of Kountanto School Well Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Amber Patterson. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was for the construction of a well to bring water to the primary school of Kountanto. Amber reports: The project started Monday, March 8, 2010 with a long […]

Aeolus Valley School Water Project – Jamaica

Location Aeolus Valley, St. Thomas, Jamaica Community Description Aeolus Valley All Age School is a small rural school nestled in the valleys of the Blue Mountain foothills. The school is approximately seven miles from Yallahs, St. Thomas, and twenty-five miles from Kingston. The school serves eleven surrounding communities, which include: Scotland Gate, Sam’s Mountain, Aeolus […]