El Salvador

El Balsamar Pila Project – El Salvador

Location El Balsamar, Cuisnahuat, Sonsonate, El Salvador Community Description El Balsamar is a small community with about 600 people. It is made up of a cooperative of villagers who work balsamo (a type of resin they extract from the balsamo tree and process and sell) and coffee. Most of the community members own land where […]

Conclusion of El Balsamar Pila Project – El Salvador

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Evan Anderson. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to install a concrete pile in each of the 12 households. Evan reports: The project resulted in the construction of 10 pilas (raised concrete structures that hold water and […]

Centro Escolar Caserio Toreras Water Project – El Salvador

Location Caserio Toreras, Department of La Union, El Salvador Community Description Caserío Toreras is a small community in the northeastern corner of El Salvador located on the Honduran border. It is made up of 40 houses with a population of 225, and is very rural and isolated. Only vehicles with four-wheel drive can enter the […]

Conclusion of Centro Escolar Caserio Toreras Water Project – El Salvador

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Tyler Dato. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to replace the tubes that carry the water from the source to the storage tank of the school, and to buy small storage containers for flushing the toilets. Tyler […]

Conclusion of Copinol Water Supply Project – El Salvador

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Alex Wang. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to establish a safe source of water for the community of Copinol. Alex reports: The project to build a communal pila and run piping from the water source is […]

Copinol Water Supply Project – El Salvador

Location Copinol, Canton San Antonio El Rebelde, Municipio de San Vicente, Departamento de San Vicente, El Salvador Community Description San Antonio El Rebelde is a small cantón of approximately 650 people (mean and median ages of 25 and 18, respectively) living in 115 houses scattered near the top of the semi-mountainous region of San Vicente […]

Conclusion of Aguas Frias Water System Project – El Salvador

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Shelby Fallon. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to bring potable water to the school and the community by building a covered spring box and running piping to the school. Shelby reports: As of November 27, 2011, […]

Aguas Frias Water System Project – El Salvador

Location Aguas Frias, Joateca, Morazan, El Salvador Community Description The community of Aguas Frias can be found in the canton of Paturla, east of the municipality of Joateca in the department of Morazán. Currently, the community is struggling to find ways to gain access to potable drinking water, specifically for the school. The only way […]

Conclusion of Estanzuela Water System Project – El Salvador

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Charlene Hopkins. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a water system to serve the school. Shelby reports: Estanzuela’s water project was completed successfully. A new spring box was constructed where the natural spring is […]

Estanzuela Water System Project – El Salvador

Location Estanzuela, Township Paturla, Town of Joateca, Department of Morazan, El Salvador Community Description The community of Estanzuela in the township of Paturla lies 2 km from the town of Joateca, in the mountainous Northeastern portion of El Salvador on the border with Honduras. The main source of income in the community is farming, specifically […]