Funding Needed

Conclusion of Caserio Pativilca School Well Project – Peru

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Jacqueline Lauer. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a well at the Primary/Secondary School #11538 Pativilca as a source of water for drinking, sanitation, handwashing, and gardening. Jacqueline reports: I am happy to say that […]

Conclusion of Santa Cruz Water System Project – El Salvador

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Louis Smith. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to increase the water supply to the village by expanding the water delivery system. Louis reports: The water system located in the town of Santa Cruz, county of Santiago […]

Caserio Pativilca School Well Project – Peru

Location Caserio Pativilca, Pitipo District, Lambayeque Region, Peru Community Description Caserio Pativilca is a small, rural community located on the northern coast of Peru, near the city of Chiclayo. It has a population of about 800 people living in 150 households. It is located very near to the protected, dry forest “Bosque de Pomac”. Due […]

Kunahandhoo Island Rainwater Harvesting Project – Maldives

This is the first project to be implemented under the Rainwater Harvesting Program – Maldives. Within the community of Kunahandhoo, 4 currently unconnected rainwater tanks, received as a part of a governmental aid program, are sitting unused because the community lacks the resources to develop them into a working system to help meet the freshwater needs […]

Santa Cruz Water System Project – El Salvador

Location Canton Santa Cruz, Santiago de la Frontera, Santa Ana, El Salvador Community Description The village of Santa Cruz is located about 55 kilometers northwest of the city of Santa Ana near the border with Guatemala. Santa Cruz has a population of 362 inhabitants living in 129 houses, a school that includes 180 students, and […]

Conclusion of Remera-Rukoma Hospital Water Project – Phase 1 – Rwanda

This project was completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Edison Reyes. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to fix damaged and broken pipes leading to nine patient recovery rooms, the operating room and consultation rooms. Edison reports: Remera-Rukoma Hospital in Kamonyi District fixed their broken pipes and […]

Centro Escolar Julián Aparicio Water Project – El Salvador

Location Barrio San Juan, Chinameca, San Miguel, El Salvador Community Description Chinameca is located in eastern El Salvador within the Sierra Tecapa-Chinameca range in the department of San Miguel. The city is located on the northern slope of Cerro El Limbo at an elevation of 580 meters above sea level. Chinameca is 19.1 km west […]

Kapchemogen Pump Repair Project – Kenya

Location Village of Kapchemogen, West Pokot District, Kenya Community Description Kapchemogen is a village in West Pokot District, which is in the lower plain zone of West Pokot, and has a history of poor and unpredictable rainfall. Water is consistently in limited supply. The consequence of limited access to water has caused overpopulation at water […]

Conclusion of Ecole Dahra Montagne Latrine Project – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Laura Livesay. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was initially designed as a 3-stall latrine structure at the school. However plans were changed in favor of a 2-stall structure of superior quality. Laura reports: I just wanted to […]

Ecole Dahra Montagne Latrine Project – Senegal

Location Dahra, Department of Linguere, Louga Region, Senegal Community Description Dahra is located in the middle of Senegal, on the Route Nationale. It is considered the last major economic hub before reaching the Ferlo area, where Pulaar nomads herd their livestock. The town is comprised of both Wolof and Pulaar speakers, with a population ranging […]