Funding Needed

Mamolopolli Infirmary and St. Margret’s Convent Water Project – Lesotho

Location Qacha’s Nek, Lesotho Community Description Mamolopolli Infirmary and St. Margret’s Convent are located in a compound in Qacha’s Nek, Lesotho. Mamolopolli Infirmary houses 8 Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Roman Catholic Sisters, 6 of whom are retired and several are living with sickness and disabilities. The retired Sisters have spent their lives […]

Conclusion of Kors Ream Primary School Well and Water System Project – Cambodia

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Evalynn Romano.To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. A summary of the completion report for the KORS REAM PRIMARY SCHOOL WELL AND WATER SYSTEM PROJECT – CAMBODIA:Peace Corps Volunteer Directing Project: Evalynn Romano SCOPE OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The aim of the water […]

Kors Ream Primary School Well and Water System Project – Cambodia

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION. Location Kors Ream Primary School, Kors Ream Village, Bavel District, Battambang Province, Cambodia Community Description Kors Ream is a farming village located in rural Battambang, Cambodia. The Kors Ream Primary School is the only primary school in the village. […]

Niquivil Water System Project – Mexico

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION. Location Niquivil, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Mexico Community Description Niquivil is the largest community in the eastern part of the municipality of Motozintla.  The town is located at an elevation of 9,200 feet on the border with Guatemala and is home […]

College and Ecole Elementaire Bathroom Water Project – Senegal

Location Khogue, Louga Region, Senegal Community Description Khogue is a village of 770 people situated in the Djolof region of Senegal. Dry, sandy, and arid, one of the main concerns of the community is access to water, both for health and agriculture. The school educates children from the ages of 7 to 17, and has […]

Margibi Well Repair Program – Liberia

Water Charity has continued its Water For Everyone Initiative efforts in Liberia with this Margibi Well Repair Program. Our Water for Everyone Initiative was created to provide basic access to safe water to every person in 3 West African countries, Liberia, Togo, and The Gambia, by the end of 2023.  This is our 5th region adopted in […]

Conclusion of Mano Primary School Water Project – Zambia

This project has been completed under the direction of Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Emily McKeone. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. We would like to thank Emily once again for executing this fine project, and for her continuing work with us via her Water For Zambia organization and our joint Water For Zambia Program.  We worked […]

EORM Chonimabaj Cafeteria Water Supply and Storage Project – Guatemala

Location Aldea Parraxchaj, San Bartolo Aguas Calientes, Totonicapán, Guatemala Community Description The Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Chonimabaj is a small rural school located in a poor agricultural community in the department of Totonicapán, in the Guatemalan highlands. The community is majority Maya K’iche’ and speak both the indigenous language and Spanish. The school has 6 […]