Fully Funded

Conclusion of Fodé Bayo Health Hut Well – Senegal

Peace Corps Volunteer Amanda Wybot concluded the Fodé Bayo Health Hut Well – Senegal on schedule and within budget. To read about the beginning of this report, CLICK HERE. Her final report is so complete and descriptive, we are left with nothing more than to convey to her our heartfelt gratitude for a spectacular job, […]

Fruit Tree Reforestation – Dominican Republic

This project will create a fruit tree nursery to facilitate the growth of reforestation trees. The trees will be planted in the mountains and at the source of water in order to ensure continued rain, and protect the water supply for the participating communities. The project will be led by an association of 15 small […]

Santa Apolonia Composting Latrines Project – Guatemala

This is a project to build composting latrines in Santa Apolonia, Chimaltenango, Guatemala. It is being carried out under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Ellen Ostrow. In the municipality of Santa Apolonia, Ellen works with two rural agricultural communities, Chuaparal I—an indigenous population—and Cojulya—a primarily Ladino population. Over half of the 47 families in […]

Matinang Spring Water Project – Philippines

Water Charity is pleased to embark on a new partnership with Habitat for Humanity Philippines for the installation of a new water system in Matinang, Philippines. The first of three projects in Mindanao, it is the start of what will become a productive and ongoing relationship to serve the need for clean water in low-income […]

Pa Taan Daai Bathroom Project – Thailand

Location Pa Taan Daai Village, Chiang Rai, Thailand Community Description Pa Taan Daai Village is comprised of ethnic Northern Thai villagers. This project is being done at Pa Taan Daai Temple, which is attended by members of this village as well as the surrounding 3 villages. The temple also runs a school for those who […]

Conclusion of Jali Pump Project – The Gambia

To read about the start of this project, CLICK HERE. PCV Maggie Rudick informs us that the pump is working! She reports: Everyone was so excited about how quickly it got fixed- the maintenance guy came to Jali with me and installed the new chain. Just in time for the end of the rainy season […]

Community Latrine Project – Togo

This plateau region village in Togo has a growing population, presently numbering about 150. The villagers are engaged in semi-subsistence agriculture and minimal income-generating activities. There are no public sanitation facilities, and very few families have private latrines. Therefore defecation largely takes place in the open. This project is for the development of community latrines […]

Khossanto School Well Project – Senegal

Location Khossanto, Region of Kedougou, Senegal Community Description Khossanto is a village of about 2,000 inhabitants located in the southeastern corner of Senegal near the border with Mali. The main livelihood of villagers is farming and cultivation, with artisanal gold mining in the surrounding mountains. Although Khossanto has a fairly significant population, water sources are […]

Packalinding Kafo Community Garden Project – The Gambia

This is a project to create a community garden in a village in The Gambia. It is being supervised by Shayla Summerhill, Peace Corps Volunteer, working with Packalinding Madina Kanbeng Kafo, a registered association, certified to operate since January 2009. The association selected the project to help unite the community, address malnutrition, and alleviate poverty. […]

Nong Sua School Handwashing Station Project – Thailand

Location Village Baan Nong Sua, Tambon Khok Duer, Amphur PaiSali, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand Community Description Baan Nong Sua is a village located in the northern part of Central Thailand. It is a small community of about 700 people, with the majority working as rice farmers. While Central Thailand is wealthier than other parts of Thailand, […]