Fully Funded

KRTTI Water Project – Liberia

Location Kakata City, Margibi County, Liberia Community Description Liberia is located on the west coast of Africa, bordered by Sierra Leone, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, and the Atlantic Ocean. Kakata is the capital of Margibi County. Kakata Rural Teacher Training Institute (KRTTI) is a teacher training institute with residential facilities for both trainers and trainees. The […]

Murandi Health Center Water Project – Rwanda

Location Remera Sector, Musanze District, Northern Province, Rwanda Community Description Located in Rwanda’s volcanic Northern Province, Murandi Health Center is perched atop a mountain overlooking beautiful Lake Ruhundo. To reach Murandi from the nearest main town, one must drive an hour along a twisting, narrow mountain road, thus making this health center the most remote […]

Laradjie Jaxanke Well Project – Senegal

Location Laradjie Jaxanke, Tambacounda, Senegal Community Description Laradjie is a small Jaxanke village located 21 km southeast of the regional capital Tambacounda. The village population totals approximately 200 people, comprised of 23% men, 24% women, and 53% children. Most villagers are sustenance farmers, and make a small profit selling various crops and produce. Many farmers […]

Chula I Borehole Repair Project – Malawi

Location Chula I, Kamsonga Health Center Catchment Area, Ntchisi District, Malawi Community Description The community of Chula I is a rural village in central Malawi, about 30 miles from the BOMA of Ntchisi. The people are subsistence farmers of maize, beans, soya, peanuts for food security, and tobacco for their cash crop. The homes in […]

Ndiaye-Ndiaye Community Well Project – Senegal

Location Fatick, Fatick, Senegal Community Description Fatick is a small city of 26,000 people, located in Western Senegal on the northern tip of the Sine river delta. It is the capital for the region of Fatick. Fatick is predominantly ethnically Serere with small communities of Wolof and Pulaar. The project will take place in Ndiaye-Ndiaye, […]

Community Filter Project – Bolivia

Location Near Rurrenabaque, Beni, Bolivia Community Description The larger project focuses on remote and marginalized Tacana, Tsimane and Moseten communities in the Rurrenabaque area of the Bolivian Amazon. The communities have no access to running water or electricity and are largely subsistence farmers, fishermen and hunters. Last year, a project was done at the community […]

Latrine Building Project – Benin

This is a project to construct eight family latrines in a rural community in Benin. It is being carried out under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Dennis Chon, together with members of the community. The construction will take place at Akodebakou (ah-ko-deh-bah-koo), a thirty-minute bike ride from where Dennis lives. Latrines will be built […]

El Tular Pump Repair Project – El Salvador

Location Caserío El Tular, Cantón Apancoyo Arriba, Municipio de Cuisnahuat, Departamento de Sonsonate, El Salvador Community Description Caserío El Tular is located in the municipality of Cuisnahuat, in the southern region of the department of Sonsonate. Cuisnahuat is ranked as the 3rd poorest municipality in El Salvador and has been designated a municipality of ¨extrema […]

Milla 7 ½ Water Project – Panama

Location Milla 7 ½, Province of Bocas Del Toro, Panama Community Description Milla 7 ½ is located 7-8 miles outside of Changuinola, the largest town in the Province of Bocas Del Toro, along a road that runs from Changuinola to Almirante. The town is on the edge of a Humeda San Sak Park, a national […]

Sare Demba Mballo Well Repair Project – Senegal

Location Sare Demba Mballo, Sare Bidji, Kolda, Senegal Community Description The village of Sare Demba Mballo in the community Rural of Sare Bidji in the region of Kolda is made up almost entirely of Pulaar peasant farmers. There are approximately 250 residents year-round; the number increases slightly to about 300 during the rainy season. Roughly […]