
Migambo Secondary School ISSB Tank Project – Tanzania

Location Migambo, Lushoto, Tanga, Tanzania Community Description Migambo is a village located near Mkuzi rainforest, sitting sixteen kilometers from Lushoto in the Usambara Mountains. Within the village, there are two secondary schools, two primary schools, as well as one carpentry and one masonry training school. Most villagers are subsistence farmers. Migambo is known throughout the […]

Kwizu Village Water Tank Project – Tanzania

This project is made possible through the partnership of Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association. Location Kwizu Village, Same District, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania Community Description The village of Kwizu is located high in the Southern Pare Mountains, approximately 1,710 m (5,605 ft) in elevation. Around 2,000 villagers make their home here within the […]

Conclusion of Madibira Secondary School Water Project – Tanzania

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Emily Hoppes. To read about the start of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was a part of a larger Peace Corps Partnership project to create a water system for the school. For the overall project, three above-ground tanks, and three underground water reserves […]

Madibira Secondary School Water Project – Tanzania

Location Madibira, Mbeya Region, Tanzania Community Description Madibira is a large and thriving village in the Mbeya region of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. It is far removed from any large cities in Tanzania, but it is not too isolated. The 2002 census showed 28, 414 people living in the 5 sub-villages of Madibira and […]

MATI Water Tank Project – Tanzania

Location Mlingano Village, Muheza District, Tanga Region, Tanzania Community Description Tanga is the most northern and eastern region of Tanzania. Mlingano Village is located about 20 km east of Muheza town and about 40 km west of Tanga town, about 2 km north of the main road going between Muheza and Tanga. The project will […]

Conclusion of Kwizu Village Water Tank Project – Tanzania

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Bethany Drahota. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The following is a summary of Bethany’s conclusion report: Kwizu village is located high in the Southern Pare Mountains in Same District, Kilimanjaro Region. It is at approximately 1,710 meters in elevation. […]

East Africa Water & Sanitation Program

Water Charity and the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) have begun a program to implement dozens of water, sanitation, and public health projects in East Africa. This program is set for $2 million.  The first phase, in the amount of $215,000, resulting in at least 25 new projects was funded by an anonymous donor, and we are into […]

Ilulu Girls’ Secondary School Rainwater Catchment System Project – Tanzania

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION. This is a project under the LET GIRLS LEARN Program, a collaboration of First Lady Michelle Obama and the Peace Corps to expand access to education for adolescent girls around the world! Location Njia Nne, Kilwa District, Lindi Region, Tanzania […]

Likarangilo Pump Rehab Project – Tanzania

This project is made possible through the partnership of WATER CHARITY and the NATIONAL PEACE CORPS ASSOCIATION. Location Likarangilo Village, Songea DC, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania Community Description Likarangilo is located in the southwest region of Ruvuma in Tanzania. It is situated on the main road, just 45 minutes from the regional capital of Songea. There […]