

Mbour Project 1- Daru Salam Village GPS: N14ᴼ25.040 W016ᴼ56.682 DARU SALAM VILLAGE is located on the outskirts of Mbour, Senegal. It has a population of about 400 people. The community is composed of Mandinka, Wollof and Serere tribes. It is predominantly Mandinka who migrated to this area from southern Senegal. The community depends on traditional […]

Thies Region Water Project Mbour—Senegal

    Mbour is located in the middle of the Petite Cote region, only 80km south of Dakar, Senegal. Supporting a population of around 200,000, it’s Senegal’s fifth largest city and one of the country’s fastest growing. As a large city, Mbour contains a mélange of all of the countries’ ethnic groups and languages. While […]

To the G3 Foundation: THANK YOU FOR DONATING TO…..

Kyanguli Secondary School Rainwater Harvesting Project – Phase 2 – Kenya This project included completing a rainwater harvesting system by installing gutters to capture the water that runs off of the classrooms, and piping it to the newly installed tank adjacent to the classrooms. The project benefited the school and the community, particularly during the […]

Conclusion of Salemata Region Latrine Project Kedougou – Senegal

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Alia Kroos. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. Alia Reports: The communities have been the driving force for this project from the very beginning. They were the ones to initially propose the project and seek out ways to find funding.   Village members took the initiative to organize multiple town meetings concerning the project framework, coordinated with the local mason to […]

College and Ecole Elementaire Bathroom Water Project – Senegal

Location Khogue, Louga Region, Senegal Community Description Khogue is a village of 770 people situated in the Djolof region of Senegal. Dry, sandy, and arid, one of the main concerns of the community is access to water, both for health and agriculture. The school educates children from the ages of 7 to 17, and has […]

Conclusion of Daga Soukoum Latrine Project – Senegal

This project, to build ten simple pit latrines in the village, has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Mary Haviland. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. Mary Reports: All the supplies were bought from local hardware stores and transported to the village. The cement and pipes were […]

Daga Soukoum Latrine Project – Senegal

Location  Daga Soukoum, Fatick, Senegal Community Description Daga Soukoum is a small village in the Djilor area, department of Foundiougne, region of Fatick, Senegal. It has a total of 222 people living in 13 homesteads with 34 households or families. The name of the village chief is Omar Guissé. The community has no electricity or […]

GIE Jigueenu Natangue School and Women’s Garden Water Project – Senegal

Location Gandiol, Mbour, Thies Region, Senegal Community Description Natangue – Senegal is a nonprofit organization based in Mbour, Senegal, created in 1999 with the intent of aiding one of the poorest quarters of the city, Zone Sonatel. Natangue’s focus is on helping in the areas of children, women, the handicapped, schools, health, and lasting economic […]