
Conclusion of Kanjiwa Area Well Project – Malawi

This project has been successfully completed, under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Judy Summers. To see the history of the project CLICK HERE. The project was designed to protect and improve two shallow wells in the Kanjiwa area. Judy reports: The wells were pumped out, cleared of debris, and chlorination was added to sanitize […]

Conclusion of Gome Borehole Project – Malawi

This project has been successfully completed, under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Tomas Pickering. To see the history of the project CLICK HERE. The project was to increase the depth of the borehole in Gome Village, and improve it so as to provide water year-round. The materials were purchased, and the work was done […]

Conclusion of Misuku Protected Springs Project Redux – Malawi

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Andrew Abram. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was the third Appropriate Projects project carried out by Andrew to build and repair protected springs. His cumulative accomplishments rate among the top that we have seen. Andrew […]

Gome Borehole Project – Malawi

Location Gome Village, Ntchisi District, Malawi Community Description Gome Village is a rural community bordering Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve in the central region of Malawi. The community’s main source of income is from the sale of tobacco and soybeans. There are up to 540 people in Gome Village and 5 nearby villages who do not have […]

Chitunda School Pump Project – Malawi

Location Katima Village, Ntchisi District, Malawi Community Description Katima Village is a small rural village in central Malawi. The people are subsistence farmers who grow their food needs and raise some tobacco and soya for their cash needs. Chitunda Primary School, located in Katima Village, has 625 children who attend from the surrounding villages. A […]

Kanjiwa Area Well Project – Malawi

Location Mdzelanji and Salcale, Ntchisi District, Malawi Community Description Both of these villages are made up of very rural subsistence farming families. Mdzelanji is a village near the secondary school where some of the students’ board and approximately 15 families get their water. Salcale is also a very rural subsistence farming village, and approximately 12 […]

Conclusion of Chula I Borehole Project – Malawi

This project has been completed under the technical direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Judy Summers. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was to replace the mechanism of the pump, and restore it to functionality. 200 people are dependent on this borehole for safe water. The community was skeptical that […]

Conclusion of Kula Borehole Repair Project – Malawi

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Judy Summers. To read about the beginning of this project, CLICK HERE. This project was to repair a borehole, on the grounds of the Kula Village Primary School, that has not been functioning for two years. The repairs are now done and water […]

Misuku Protected Springs Project Redux – Malawi

Location Misuku, Chitipa, Malawi Community Description Misuku is located in Chitipa the northernmost district in Malawi, and is remotely situated in the mountains and forests on the border of Tanzania. The target community will be local farmers of Misuku in the most remote areas where safe drinking water is still a problem. One of the […]

Conclusion of Misuku Protected Springs Project – Malawi

The second round of protected springs projects has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Andrew Abram. To read about the start of this project, CLICK HERE. The project was for the construction of 3 new protected springs in remote areas, and the repair of others found in disrepair. Andrew reports: With your […]