
Conclusion of Baolala Hygiene Project – Kenya

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Nicholas Shen. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. This project was to construct 7 handwashing stations at the most critical places in the community of Baolala. Nicholas reports: The Baolala Hygiene Project was started in October, 2010, in collaboration with […]

Baolala Hygiene Project – Kenya

Location Baolala, Kenya Community Description The community of Baolala, located 2.5 hours west of Malindi, is primarily composed of a Kenyan tribe called the Giriama people. The Giriama are beautiful and friendly welcoming people who live with common occupations as farmers and cattle livestock raisers. They have their own language apart from Swahili, but typically […]

Hack & Slash Support Water Charity

We are excited to announce our partnership with Hack & Slash, who have stepped forward to raise funds for Water Charity at the Hack and Slash Christmas Special in Color. The product of John Davis (Hack) and Spencer Humm (Slash), this all-new show features an original score and a slew of top-notch entertainers providing holiday […]

Kapchemogen Pump Repair Project – Kenya

Location Village of Kapchemogen, West Pokot District, Kenya Community Description Kapchemogen is a village in West Pokot District, which is in the lower plain zone of West Pokot, and has a history of poor and unpredictable rainfall. Water is consistently in limited supply. The consequence of limited access to water has caused overpopulation at water […]

Kyamue Village Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya

Location Kyamue Village, Kiteta Location Kiteta Division, Mbooni East District, Eastern Province, Kenya Community Description Kyamue Village is located in the lower half of Eastern Province in Kenya. The area is referred to as Ukambani because it is largely inhabited by the Akamba tribe. The Lower Eastern Province of Kenya consists of mostly semi-arid areas […]

Mutoma Secondary School Rainwater Harvesting Project – Kenya

Location Butere, Butere District, Western Province, Kenya Community Description The town of Butere is located about 1 ½ hours from Kisumu, 7 km from the closest tarmac road, and hidden among the sugar cane stalks. With a population of about 200 people, the area is economically impoverished, with sugar cane providing the main source of […]

Conclusion of Mutoma Secondary School Rainwater Harvesting Project – Kenya

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Alyssa McDermott. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a rainwater water catchment and storage system for the school. Alyssa reports: The Mutoma Secondary water project has been successfully completed. The total time it took for […]

Conclusion of Siyombe Primary School Latrine Project – Kenya

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Sarah Sisaye. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE. The project was to build a latrine for disabled students at the Siyombe Primary School. Sarah reports: The Siyombe Primary School Special Latrine Project was successfully completed on June 19, 2012. The […]

Siyombe Primary School Latrine Project – Kenya

Location Namirama Sub-Location, Bunyala East Location, Navakholo Division, Kakamega Central District, Western Province, Kenya Community Description Siyombe community is situated in a remote rural region of Kenya near River Nzoia, bordering Bungoma District. It is generally underdeveloped, and is dominated by a lack of education and poor health, which have led to poverty. Siyombe community […]

Ititu Primary School Rainwater Catchment Project – Kenya

Location Katangini Town, Katangini Zone, Kalawa Division, Eastern Province, Kenya Community Description Kalawa Division is situated in the desert, and while there is enough rain during the rainy seasons, the dry months (February, March, August, September, October, and November) are difficult. Ititu Primary School has 467 students, 255 male and 212 female, and 18 teachers. […]