Conclusion of Portland Cottage Water Tank Project – Jamaica

To read about the beginning of this project, Click HERE.

This project was successfully completed by Debra Curry, PCV, on August 12, 2009.

The project was fully funded by two donors, who prefer to remain anonymous.

Debra reports:

The total money in Jamaican Jais came to 20,010.00. I purchased (2) 400-gallon water tanks for 9,000 ea. The delivery charge to deliver to the two locations costs 1,000. The last 1,000 was used to buy (2) water spouts for easy access from the tank.

The location where these tanks are placed will be accessible for neighbors and workmen when in need of getting water. Both recipients were very grateful to be receiving these tanks and will no longer have to walk miles just to catch a pail of water.

These pictures show the tanks and the catchments set up for each tank. Now what we need in the community is a good rain storm to fill them to capacity. In the meantime, I was able to get a donation from the local water delivery to fill each tank until the rainy season.

The successful conclusion of this project provides necessary water for elderly families unable to obtain water themselves each day. In addition, it demonstrates a useful solution to others in the community who may be similarly situated.