Conclusion of Nereay Secondary School Latrine Project – Cambodia

This project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Bret Guderian. To read about the beginning of the project: CLICK HERE.

The project was to build a stand-alone latrine building with two toilets for staff and students.

Bret reports:

The latrines at Nereay Upper Secondary school were completed in 3 weeks and are now ready to be used by the students and staff.

Ventilated concrete vaults were built. The latrine building was constructed with bricks, and covered with stucco. An aluminum roof and doors completed the process.

Water will be stored in water tanks and supplemented with cisterns and rain runoff.

The community helped support the project with the donation of 2 bricks per student or a small donation for cement, amounting to almost 200 bricks and many bags of cement.

The director and students were very thankful for the new latrines, and the sanitation at the school has improved already. With students now able to used latrines instead of going home or to the nearest outside toilet, the director hopes to see an increase in attendance at the school.

The community is very thankful to Water Charity and the donors. They will help with handwashing lessons and basic water sanitation to improve the sanitation of the school and community.

We are grateful to Bret for completing the project, and again wish to thank Bret’s friends and family for their donations to the project.