Conclusion of Latrines Project – Morocco

Meeting - MoroccoThis project has been completed under the direction of Peace Corps Volunteer Moira Alexander. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.

The project took place in Ouled D’Abou, a small douar located in the commune of Ouizeght, south of Missour in the Boulemane Province of Morocco.

The project was designed to accomplish all of the work necessary to ensure that every house in the community had a toilet. It was estimated that 43 new and 19 refurbished residential toilets would be needed.

Capacity building was to be emphasized in the areas of volunteerism, community collaboration, and technical skills such as construction and maintenance of the toilets.

Latrine - MoroccoVarious plans were prepared, depending on the specific needs of the household.

The project called for disseminating supplies to the various households, and providing whatever specific technical help and labor that each family needed.

Community groups and individuals contributed local materials and provided labor for the project.

Moira reported that the best part of the project was working to build the capacity of the men’s association, which stepped up and undertook many aspects of the project.

The project objectives were accomplished just as Moira completed her service as a Peace Corps Volunteer and returned home.

On behalf of the people of Ouled D’Abou, (now) Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Moira Alexander, and Water Charity, gratitude is extended to The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for their contribution which made this project possible.