Conclusion of Guatemala City Garbage Dump Water Filters Project – Part 2

This project has been completed under the direction Liz Love, Adult Literacy Director of Safe Passage. To read about the beginning of the project, CLICK HERE.

The project was to provide 35 additional Ecofiltro ceramic water filters to serve 280 persons, comprised of families enrolled in the Adult Literacy Program.

Conclusion of Guatemala City Garbage Dump Water Filters Project – Part 2

The background of the project is as follows:

In May 2009, 42 filters were provided by Water Charity and given out to women who attended Adult Literacy classes as well as 4 placed in Safe Passage public areas.

In June 2010, 32 of these women requested and bought a clay basin replacement with a 50% discount of Q100.00 provided by the company Ecofiltro.

This project resulted in an additional 35 new filters provided to women and men in 2010, all of whom participated in training regarding use and maintenance of the filters as well as general public health education.

The success of this effort can be seen from a PowerPoint presentation prepared by a Safe Passage Volunteer, entitled Ecofiltros for Safe Passage Families.

There are a number of factors to be noted in this project. The selected technology is easy to install, use, and maintain. It is in great demand by the participants in the Safe Passage Program.

The large majority of those who received the filters in the first project liked them so well that they proceeded to buy clay filter replacements for the units and continue to use them.

Most importantly Safe Passage has continued to work with the beneficiaries and to document the health benefits that have accrued from the consistent use of the filters.

The PowerPoint shows universal compliance with proper water filtration practices among those receiving the filters. It also shows a dramatic reduction of diarrheal disease reported by users.

We again wish to thank The Soneva SLOW LIFE Trust for providing the funding for this project.